Is Trolling a Choice?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if some join forum just to pass judgments and call names. But, I'm not their jury. I have seen that in real life it's somewhat self policing, if you value your skin. But, in forum we can see folks lined up to have a go, a personal go, at each other.

As soon as any details of another come out, folks assume that utterance was true. We think the position they take is real. We think they will defend it honorable. We don't have any evidence that we aren't just being played, but like a moth to the flame, here we go. I know that pain can be pleasure, so we get someone to sanctify our lack of self-worth and we fight and fight. But, that's like picking your own scab. It will never heal.
Dude.. chill. On every on of your posts, you go off lol. We're just talking about trolls, not world hunger.

You do have some decent points though.


Ursus marijanus
But trolls bear directly on world hunger. The little gluttons happen to be inedible. A no-winner.
Trolling, now ... if you like fish ... cn


Well-Known Member
And I must say, I'm pretty sure, it is trollishness that has caused world hunger. It is pure bullshittery that anyone is in serious hunger for sustainance in this age of man.

So, if you need stupid behaviour linked to the real world, there it is.

And please, no one wants to hear my views, at length, on passive agressive "jokes" that only become jokes in the after-dance to save face. say nothing of the "butt sandwich." Who is being fooled?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
You can blame greenpeace and other scum sucking organizations like them for getting GM crops banned from several countries therefore forcing people to starve to death...


Well-Known Member
That is very true, and without a stable Aid situation we can't even get the food to the ones that are being starved for tribal reasons...tribal retribution and pinning refugees in place is the main reason for out right starvation. But, hey, serious mal-nutrition is right here in North America.

This is culture based slow death rather than outright tribal stravation. But, the result of starving childern of essential vitamins and proteins, etc causes brain defecienies. When there is also pre-natal drug use, why, then they join gangs and kill. There has to be a connection with juvenile health, altuistic learning, and being trustworthy civilized person, or not. It would seem logical to fix that. But, we do not. Ergo Sum, there are strata of our own society that are being puposely starved. Yes?


Well-Known Member
In any real life conversation when a person has a complaint about another person or what not I always feel an annoying need to play devil's if you are asking me about how another person could act such a way or whatever...


Well-Known Member
Good thing I found out about this troll thing.

Was just in another forum, where I answered a simple question, with a simple factual answer.

Woops, the post was months old!!! The Horror.

To answer a question for a newbe that no one else bothered with. Trollzkrieg!! I was hounded off the board....right after I resigned. I didn't have enough posts to answer anything. Why am I dregging up old posts? Am I in some Marketing game?

I didn't bother to relpy and the Trolls were trolling themselves viciously.

It was like the Walking Dead there.


Well-Known Member
We just outed an Epic over on my motorcycle forum. Nasty troll. One of the Aussie brothers provided the crowning coda. I'd never seen it. But it is universal. So, we can perhaps, close with this.Trolling.jpg