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  1. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    50-65 degrees
  2. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    if i put it outside and it keeps vegging, and its a sativa with about 10-11 week flowering time do you think itll be able to finish in time? early october is cold here
  3. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    can u take a look at the link i posted with the hps and tell me if that ones good enough? ' and how many hours of light are we getting?
  4. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    yeah i live in the us, east coast. its been shitty out here lately nicest day so far was 80 its been rainy cloudy and cold. so its not ready for outside yet. how many hours of light are we getting though? do you think my 165w of cfl isnt enough to flower this baby? im thinking of getting the hps
  5. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    bump if this doesnt work then do you think i should upgrade to a 250w hps? it already runs about 75 degrees during the day in my flower room and its not even summer yet, my house has no air conditioning. will it be hot as hell? thinking about getting this one...
  6. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    why would she reveg? i figured shes getting less than 12 hours of light a day so it would still flower right? correct me if im wrong
  7. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    im starting flowering under 165w of cfl then moving to outside to continue flowering when its nice enough out
  8. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    thanks!!! and honestly im not even sure man, has to be at least 45 days old, a lot better than my ww tho right? im veggin this one the fuck out im not beat for little popcorn buds again, i want those tops!
  9. Tragik92

    I cut my shade leaves!!

    that sucks.. thats what i did to my last grow and only harvested 16 grams
  10. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    what up mcpurp, heres my girl. she just healed from supercropping so i tied her down and cut off the bottom 3 nodes of each branch. i wanted to try that this time. its a clone of my friends strain he calls it sativa diva
  11. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    ONLY 18 ozs? lol... i only got 16 lousy grams off my last grow lmao you didnt make out too bad, nice tho
  12. Tragik92

    I MIGHT LOSE ONE... any ideas, opinions? PICS INCLUDED

    you shouldnt have transplanted into such a big pot yet, make sure you dont water that much, that little of roots and so much soil will keep it moist for too long and cause mold/root rot, just watch out for that and next time wait a little bit longer to put them in bigger pots, i usually start in...
  13. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    nice... i need to invest in some hps
  14. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    you used all of that during flower?
  15. Tragik92

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    hey letitgrow, just curious, what kind of lights do you use? you got some nice colas there. for some reason with cfl mine never seem to fill out
  16. Tragik92

    how much will things bulk up?

    my seedsman white widow didnt yeild shit.. i was disappointed
  17. Tragik92

    seedsman white widow day 11 flowering soma roots method, LST, CFL grow

    10 weeks flower? i only flowered for 7 weeks and a couple days i had to take it early and i only yeilded 16 grams.. i hope you get more than i did. and i think you should deff let it flower for 9-10 weeks... let me know how it is
  18. Tragik92

    Dinafem Blue Hash Grow (start to finish)

    yeah man id recommend blue hash to anyone, its great with everything, deff good for a beginner grower
  19. Tragik92

    Dinafem Blue Hash Grow (start to finish)

    thank you! im glad everyone likes it
  20. Tragik92

    Dinafem Blue Hash Grow (start to finish)

    haha hell yea i got from the tude when they were doing the 2nd grade promo, 20 free seeds!!! and it just so happened that blue hash was the 1st one i put in, and im glad cus its deff been the best bud i had yet, even tho the only ones i harvested so far were blue hash, seedsman white widow, and...