how much will things bulk up?

ripe fruit

oh that sucks dude but hey you sound like you still got a nice yield. im hoping for about 40 grams per plant
it was a learning expierence. ill tell ya that. this batch is going good. 6 white widow, 2 hindu skunk under 800watts. hydro, with fox farm nutes. all wrapped up in a 3x4 homemade tent at the base of my bed.


Well-Known Member
wow how did you fit all of that in a 3x4 haha but yeah im hoping myself for 40-45 grams for my girls im crossing my fingers


Well-Known Member
I've never used molasses, but am interested in it though. I have about 25 days left on my Seedsman WW to which is kind of coinsidental. I'll post up some pictures of mine from tonight, they're also under a 600 Watter.


Well-Known Member
25 days is a lot of time usually plants will put most of thier wieght on in the last 2-3 weeks you still got plenty of time. they are barely just starting i wouldnt start to worry about it untill your less then a week from harvest, even then they can put on a lot of weight in as little as the final few days


Well-Known Member
oh thats awsome man were both growing that hahaa too good. yeah dude thats crazy 25 plants. im moving up in number myself too next grow I cant wait bubba kush from greenhouse and northern light from nirvana and seom ak47 from serious seeds


Well-Known Member
wow dude I cant wait. so wait what have they been doing for the past 40 some odd days if they havent been doing major growing lol. they are sooo beatiful dude because of how white they are omg I cant wait dude.


Well-Known Member
wow dude I cant wait. so wait what have they been doing for the past 40 some odd days if they havent been doing major growing lol. they are sooo beatiful dude because of how white they are omg I cant wait dude.
Here are some pics of mine, they have about 25 days left!! I can't wait! Just for scale that's a 4x4 room and the back left one i had to tie all up so it looks alot smaller than it is, because the buds were all falling over! I'm hoping for atleast a pound when all said and done. I wish you guys could see all the bud in there, but there's alot of leaves covering some buds from this angle...



Well-Known Member
I would recommend getting some Kelp extract. It contains all the good stuff our plants need at the end of the flowering cycle. It is best used as a foliar spray. Spray about 2 hrs. before lights come on. Use a surfactant (water wetter) with your spray to help penetrate into foliage. You want to spray the underside of the foliage because this is where the stomata are located (microscopic mouths that take in co2. Biodegradable dish soap can be used as a surfactant, only takes a couple of drops.
Molasses is great for our plants check out this brand it is pure organic and can be found at the grocery store in the baking aisle. Good luck.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
yeah Im using molasses right now in my grow
ive only used it 2 times though. and dude your buds are alot bigger then mine


Active Member
i had 12 grown in soil a couple batches ago.

hey man my tent i made myself is 3 x 6 its next to my bed also, love seeing them every morning

yes i use molasses

and it makes the bud smell super sweeet!

dunno abt taste i havent finished one whole grow cycle yet

but close... prolly chop by monday
High Minitrees,
I just checked out the pics of your grow,and I gotta tell ya,it looks awesome! I'm wondering ,what variety is it? It's gotta be some of the nicest bud that I have ever had the pleasure to see...As soon as you post,I'm looking where to get some seeds!(or local clones)...
Thanks brother!:bigjoint: