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  1. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    very urgent here... any1 at all know if this completely screwed my plant over? or is there still a chance to pull through?
  2. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    yea thanks heh.. non of the other seeds germinated yet.. i have like 10 more trying to germinate.. just not working out
  3. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    yea i think i just completely killed/ruined/murdered my baby :( it was trying to do as u say,..and root was longer then i thought.. and root was thin and fragile and cut in half lets say if root was about 4inches.. and 2.5 got cut off... basically screwed it all up right?
  4. theinfected

    Welcome New Members!

    when you find the category that you want to make a thread in, on top you should see a button that says New Thread. press that, and you just name it, and then type what u want to type :) Also Welcome to RollItUp :)
  5. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    please this is extremly urgent.. what do i do with this? shud i replant? or is it to late?
  6. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    so basically i am wondering if i should just kinda dig a little deeper plant it beter and re cover it with some soil?
  7. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    i dont have a very good camera.. 2.0 mp.. this is best i cud do 1st pic is the seed thats germinated... the root sprouted was about 1/2 longer than that when it was planted 2nd pic.. u can se some root poping out of dirt and then the seed poping out as well
  8. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    well its almost like i can see part of the root coming out of the dirt next to it.. almost like it started growing and got pushed up out of dirt.. like when a seed is germinated. the white root sprouted out seems like it is popping out of dirt and a lil over the seed itself is coming up. i...
  9. theinfected

    Welcome New Members!

    dr chronic is really good. fast and stealthy and trustworthy
  10. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    relly? its only day 2.5? two leaves already coming out of soil? it just looks like the tip of the seed when it was done germinating.. except more cracked now and poking out of soil hehe
  11. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    please very urgent any help accepted?
  12. theinfected

    planted wrong?

    hmm.. i planted my seed about 2.5days ago.. and im looking at it now and it looks like the seed it self it popping out of the dirt... did i put it to close to the top of the soil? or is this normal? im really nervous i planted wrong and my grow will fail
  13. theinfected

    out/in door mix

    nice grow. yea actually i was looking at a 400w HPS Euro Inline cooler setup its about 200 dollars. cooled and comes with ballast/reflector and all. i was going to invest in that. but just for now use outdoor/that light
  14. theinfected

    out/in door mix

    o yea im definitely planning on getting something better.. i was just wondering for now... until i can get something.. will that light do
  15. theinfected

    out/in door mix

    well my prob is, the bulb looks like this and its in something like this so i cant actually get to the bulb itself so not...
  16. theinfected

    out/in door mix

    yea but its just right now money is a huge issue... and i was wondering what tht light tht i had was
  17. theinfected

    out/in door mix

    well basically im in a jam right now. i have my plant in window sill at sunrise till about 3pm, then the sun doesnt it in anymore because sun obviously sets in the west which my window isnt facing.. soo.. after that i was wondering if i could move it under a light in my house to finsh the 18-6...
  18. theinfected

    Welcome New Members!

    welcome :) and enjoy ur time here! great community here
  19. theinfected

    Germination problem

    what i did was just got 3 bag seed. got 3 paper towels, wet them with warm water. squeezed it out so it was damp. but 3 seeds in it, folder paper towel over and under, so it was a few layers thick, and then put it in a zip lock bag, and put the bag in a shoe box behind my door so it stayed...
  20. theinfected


    yea cant wait to see it :) gonna be a while tho.. its only day 1.. lol