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  1. theinfected

    grow room

    i have 4 27w and 4 23 watt 4 are for veg and 4 for flower but all 8 will be on 18-6
  2. theinfected


    yea they are way taller then the pot now, they are about 1/2 foor above the pots top
  3. theinfected

    fan from start?

    ok guys thanks for help, ill start getting a fan running on them :) appreciate it
  4. theinfected

    fan from start?

    should i have a fan facing plants from the start? it seems like the fan will seriously kill my plants as they are only 1 week.. and when the fan is on it makes them move a LOT! and it is only a 12v computer fan
  5. theinfected

    grow room

    i was wondering if i could use this type of styrofoam boarding. its really big if i cut it up and used it all and built a box to build in.. and tagged up mylar all over? also grow is going to be with CFLS
  6. theinfected

    CFL Setup

    Ok so i decided on a CFL Grow because of a money/space issue. I got 4 23w soft white bulbs & 4 27w daylight bulbs. i was wondering, if I turn all of them on 18-6 that should be good enough to grow 2-3 plants right? not sure on my grow room size yet, but isn't going to be to big, and also i have...
  7. theinfected


    also yea so todays 1 week, this pic is like 2days into grow, and jsut showing you so u can all see pot size here they are in this thread: lemme know whatcha think :)
  8. theinfected

    grow room

    well i have all the lights/timers/extension cords/ and fans i need.. i just dont really have a god spot to grow in.. i don't want to go to home depot and spend 100$ on a cabinet. does any1 have any suggestions on what i can use to grow in something cheaper then the cabinets at home depot and...
  9. theinfected


    kk i havent TP'ed yet so ill wait a little longer but yes the pot they are in are very small
  10. theinfected


    is there a reason why all 3 arent same size?
  11. theinfected

    Bong Cleaning?

    its really that unhealthy smoking from a sprite bottle a plastic pen caseing and a metal 3/16 socket?
  12. theinfected

    Bong Cleaning?

    kinda urgent can any1 help?
  13. theinfected


    ahh ok looks like repotting time then 2 plants are coming out with its 2nd leaves after the 1st sprout and 1 is still on its 1st leaves.. all potted same time.. they are like 6inches tall to.. stretching to much
  14. theinfected


    hmm tomorrow night will be 1 week for my plants. when should i repot them? at a certain size? or certain time into growing?
  15. theinfected

    Bong Cleaning?

    any1 know these answers?
  16. theinfected

    Bong Cleaning?

    well i made a bong like this guy except mine is with a Bic pen that was taken apart, and with no foil just a metal chamber, so basically.. i was wondering how long does it last before i need to get an all new bottle/pen casing ...
  17. theinfected

    making a bong

    whats the carb for? im confused.. this is my 1st with a bong
  18. theinfected

    new bong

    i dont understand i used a metal chamber thingy like he had.. and then i put a little bit of aluminum foil onto the tip put jum MJ in it and lit away..and got absolutley nothing in the bottle.. was i doign somethign wrong? doesnt the smoke start to fill the bottle after i start lighting? or..
  19. theinfected

    new bong

    wait so everything i just made is garbage now?
  20. theinfected

    broken bong

    basically i tried making what this guy did , but.... when i go to light the weed, all the smoke comes upwards instead of down into straw and into bottle.. what am i doing wrong.. im wasting weed.. lol