Search results

  1. "SICC"

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    Naw, i'll be here still lookin at threads i follow
  2. "SICC"

    Aeviaanah's Multistrain-Hydro/Soil-Organic/Synthetic-Breeding

    Flower that behemoth already lol. What are the other female's you got?
  3. "SICC"

    Blue Dream Bubblicious 1st Indoor Grow

    Hope the clones work out man, im sure you'll get them to bounce back :peace:
  4. "SICC"

    Gumballs CMH Powered PC

    Hell yeah Gum! Nice Bud Porn!
  5. "SICC"

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Pass it over here! :bigjoint:
  6. "SICC"

    Genuity's Laidback Garden

    haha nice, 12/12 is great!
  7. "SICC"

    Just Finished Up

    How is the smoke?
  8. "SICC"

    Ganja Geeks 6 Strain 2000Watt Perpetual Grow

    Hell yeah, lookin forward to some pics :weed:
  9. "SICC"

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    Ima be moving soon but after that im down homie! Here are some pics i have been meaning to post, got these from the breeder i got my strain from Mother Jack Herer Father Shoreline x Herijuana
  10. "SICC"

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    Welcome back Jester :bigjoint:
  11. "SICC"

    600 watt HPS Grow Journal

    Im thinking its a strain thing man, im dealing with something like that with my grow, got two strains going and one is sensitive to nutes :(
  12. "SICC"

    Very first grow...plastic cup.

    Sounds good man, keep us posted.
  13. "SICC"

    Blue Dream Bubblicious 1st Indoor Grow

    Lol Hell yeah~! The Bubblicious looks great, same with the blue dreams, they goth got a nice frost. How long have they been flowering now?
  14. "SICC"

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    daaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnnn thats so shitty! :cry: :cry:
  15. "SICC"

    Grapefruit Diesel x Hijack - 15 Seed Test Run

    LOL nice, I see you a rare Mini Siberian Tiger, and a rare Mini Black Leopard from the Malay Peninsula :bigjoint:
  16. "SICC"

    Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post

    Nice vid homie, i subscribed to your youtube :bigjoint:
  17. "SICC"

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Damn Howak how many Pieces do you have now? lol bongsmilie
  18. "SICC"

    the chitown sourkush thread

    He posts at the club, but hasn't updated his journal yet.
  19. "SICC"

    Jerry's Perpetually Organic Garden

    Lookin good as always Jerry! i love your updates, always some quality bud porn :hump::leaf::hump: