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  1. TwistedBladez

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    Air purifier , dehumidifier to help clean the air and control the humid %. You can use a spray mixture of 1L of water 1 sliver of sope 1 small peace of garlic mix , mist onto plant leafs. Clean leafs off with clean water to help treat / keep the bugs away or to kill most bugs.:leaf: and...
  2. TwistedBladez

    Is it wise to feed nutes to my Blueberry mother plant (in soil) EVERY time I water?

    No I don't think its a waist of nutes if you watered your BlueBerry mom plant every watering . if you do that you might be able to get away with giving it 1/8 - 1/2 strength every watering with out doing any harm. Make sure you do a soil flush once every month to make sure you get rid of any...
  3. TwistedBladez

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    If I was you and you have the space I would start both the sativas and indica strains at the same time so that you won't have to wait to germinate the shorter flowering strain lateron then put it out side and wait for it to mature. If you start them both you'll have the shorter flowering strain...
  4. TwistedBladez$800 for 10 pack)

    I'm surprised no one has bought any of their strains did a seed harvest of the same strain then sold the seeds at $5 - $10 a pop
  5. TwistedBladez

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    No it shouldn't realy matter , but I would perfer to use CFLs if I was doing a seed harvest if you wanted to go with Floresent lights as for the mixing strains , it will take a bit to find the right ones to mix because you would have to mix 1 male with diffrent females to find what made the...
  6. TwistedBladez

    My First Indoor Grow

    nice plants , how old are they? Check out my Grow Journal , I'm just starting so feel free to check it out and leave a comment and subscribe
  7. TwistedBladez

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    if you can pull off multi strain harvest even if the flowering times are diff I would go for it. I would start the seedlings all inside since they will only flower when they are mature it will help make sure they will flower them when the flowering time is right. If you keep the males and...
  8. TwistedBladez

    Profile Comment Deletion Idea

    I have noticed that the 'Soft' delete does not tottly delet the message on the profile and leaves a list.I think that we could be givin the option to do the hard delete so that we won't have a '' soft '' delete list on our profile thus taking less space on the RIU server
  9. TwistedBladez

    Keep it Simple

    I'm starting my first grow in soil since it would proibly be easer for me. isn't hydro the same as DWC/Bubbletonics , Flood and drain , drip feed , aerogarden and such?
  10. TwistedBladez

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    No , starting them indoors till you get them to a size you want before transplanting out side will give them an advantage because like you said around that time there is 13-14 hours of light they can be big and once out side when they flower you'll have a higher yeild compared to if you took...
  11. TwistedBladez

    thanks , glad to hear that your still around.

    thanks , glad to hear that your still around.
  12. TwistedBladez

    TwistedBladez's Canadian Grow Journal

    I perfer to spend money to grow my own with the money I would be spending on smoke to get pretty much free smoke every month:-P:leaf: Thanks for dropping by. Hope the waiting was well worth the journal that I have started
  13. TwistedBladez

    lmfao , I might have been teasing to many people when I jokeingly said that you'll have to wait...

    lmfao , I might have been teasing to many people when I jokeingly said that you'll have to wait till next year xD
  14. TwistedBladez

    what is the benefit of vegging indoors before transplanting outside?

    if you can you could start from seeds then clone them and if you have any males kill em off if you don't want to do a bit of seed harvesting and save the female plants that you started from seeds as a indoor mom and every crop harvest take some clones off your moms veg them then put the clones...
  15. TwistedBladez

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    that and usaly if a person is going to flower their plants but need to trans plant , they would transplant , veg for a bit so by the time they start to flower the plant there won't be much nutes in the MG soil
  16. TwistedBladez

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    they look very healthy. I'm just starting , but I will be using MG Soil for my grow. The starting medium isn't MG though , I'm using Jiffy pucks for starting my seeds once they crack open then I'll plant them into MG soil once I see roots out the sides of the jiffy pucks
  17. TwistedBladez

    Keep it Simple

    I never said that. I my self wouldn't just jump right into doing aerogardens for my very first grow since I have no experince growing. Once I have some experince I will be getting into the diffrent types of hydroponics for growing starting from what I think would be the easiest for learning then...
  18. TwistedBladez

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    I've heard that it makes the plant think that its dieing and makes it produce more resin , when you chop make sure its dark so that it doesn't start taking up any thing that it has stored in the roots When I get my grow going I might take a clone and find a computer case and stick a clone in...
  19. TwistedBladez

    I am Freedom23. I was trying to log on but wasn't able to and I have no idea why so I had to...

    I am Freedom23. I was trying to log on but wasn't able to and I have no idea why so I had to make a new account. I have a grow journal and strains so if you want feel free to check it out.
  20. TwistedBladez

    Gonna start a new grow soon enough!

    Some people use PC Fans , you can use a window fan to move more air , air hocky table fan and such to move the hot air out of the grow area try to keep the out fan high. Use a moving fan to rotate to help make your plant stalks strong. You can use CFLs for veg if you wanted and if you wanted you...