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  1. AGSteve

    big buddah blue cheese grow 2

    cheers bro, welcome aboard the good ship mmmmm bud arrrrggghhh.
  2. AGSteve

    My First Indoor Grow

    glad to be of service :weed:. all the best with your grow.
  3. AGSteve

    ~~vVv~~ What to do w/sickly plant???

    i don't know on that one. i would say she'll die tho. i wouldn't have put any rooting hormone on tho. i'm no expert at soil so i'm just going on feelings. hell i'm no expert at hydro either hehe.
  4. AGSteve

    ~~vVv~~ What to do w/sickly plant???

    i wouldn't cover it back up. keep good air flow on it.
  5. AGSteve

    summertime buddha clone HARVESTED!

    lol, i know it was tongue in cheek. i want my missus to have tits like that.
  6. AGSteve

    What's your favorite StOneR food?

    toffee crunch.
  7. AGSteve

    summertime buddha clone HARVESTED!

    joeyjoejoe where can my missus get one of those tshirts?
  8. AGSteve

    how much yield

    no sig bro.
  9. AGSteve

    Colas ready first?

    as a simple answer i would say yes. depends on the lighting tho.
  10. AGSteve

    First time grower plz help out

    definitely check your ph. for soil you need to check the soil itself, the solution you give it and the run off. for starters i would just flush with ph'd water.
  11. AGSteve

    male preflowers?

    get a journal going (or if you have link it in you sig). i'd be interested in your progress. all the best.
  12. AGSteve

    male preflowers?

    that i don't know sorry. fems are usually created by doing something with chemicals. i did google it awhile back but can't remember the specifics.
  13. AGSteve

    ~~vVv~~ What to do w/sickly plant???

    sorry missed that q. i would resign yourself to a no. try leaving the stem uncovered and see what happens tho and hardly water it. i'd be interested to know.
  14. AGSteve

    ~~vVv~~ What to do w/sickly plant???

    yeah i reckon they'd be fine. you'll probably find they take a couple of weeks to root. maybe longer since you had them in flower.
  15. AGSteve

    how much yield

    if you do shit right with cfls you may get an ounce. read the faq bro.
  16. AGSteve

    male preflowers?

    lol. don't worry i don't think you are. yes thats a pic of my female blue cheese at 21 days flower so will look a tad different to yours but they start showing a hair if its female.
  17. AGSteve

    ~~vVv~~ What to do w/sickly plant???

    no worries bro. it's easy to misinterpret stuff online. that is bad mate. i've had stem rot in hydro and the plant will die. i would get yourself some cuttings quick. edit: quick thought and i dont know what others would think but if you left the plant like that the stem may dry out and...
  18. AGSteve

    male preflowers?

    yeah thats right. they pop out of the swelling.
  19. AGSteve

    how much yield

    you need as much light as possible. for vegging its not such a big deal but make sure they are daylight spectrum (aka blue or 6500k). for flowering you will need 2500k bulbs (although some say a mixture of 6500k and 2500k). and plenty of them.
  20. AGSteve

    how much yield

    vegging is when the lights are on for a min of 18hrs. how many bulbs? check the faq. it will help you alot. it certainly helped me and still does.