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  1. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    You're wrong and I'm right. Sorry. And I'll bet I was growing weed before you were born.
  2. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    AC = Air cooled not air conditioning, there is no air conditioning involved I've concluded that thermometer from walmart and such are inadequate to measure anything other than ambient temp in the shade. So, growers are measuring that only. We can't ignore radiant heat under the lights, where...
  3. Illegal Smile

    THIS may be the way to check temps

    This is a laser temperature probe that reads temps on a surface from as much as 3 feet away. It is accounting for two kinds of heat - ambient heat and radiant heat. Plants have a much higher tolerance for radiant heat, like that under an hps lamp. But it can still burn and air temps need to be...
  4. Illegal Smile

    Small DWC Query

    I'm trying to think of a reason why it would matter if you had 12 inches of water or 6 inches of water under the plants, as long as you had enough water per plant. Roots can spread out horizontally. It seems to me that 4 plants in 10 gal of water 6 inches deep would do as well as 4 plants in 10...
  5. Illegal Smile

    Newbie Alert!! Water Type?

    Why would res temps be 6 to 10 degrees higher than room temp? Mine is the same. It would take external energy to raise res temps. One source could be lights, but lights are high enough above a res that they add very little. Actually, I would expect res temps to be 6 to 10 degrees lower than...
  6. Illegal Smile

    Leaves bending up a problem?

    That's also an early indicator of too much heat.
  7. Illegal Smile

    Humidity and Vapor Pressure Deficit

    I have a feeling the crack is a pre-existing condition.
  8. Illegal Smile

    Humidity and Vapor Pressure Deficit

    I'll comment when I see a link to a reputable source with the appropriate credentials.
  9. Illegal Smile

    Darkness between veg & flowering?

    Sometimes it seems like weed growers live in a pre scientific world. "I wonder if this would work?" Maybe doing that would please the gods!" If there is no biological reason why doing something would benefit a plant, and no experimental evidence that it does, it's bunk until one or both of...
  10. Illegal Smile

    Newbie Alert!! Water Type?

    Unless your tap water is horrible, it would be fine. pH depends somewhat on the nutrients you use, some permit a wider range. Anywhere in the high 5s or low 6s is ok. Temps at the tops of the plants are best in the low to mid 70s, 80 is acceptable, 85 is not good, higher can be fatal.
  11. Illegal Smile

    Can I grow weed with this?

    Yes, you could. Good thing you didn't ask how much you would get because THAT is impossible to answer. You would grow a max of 2 plants and have to keep them short so there is room for the light overhead. Is the blackstar 240 watts? I would think that would be enough for this small grow alone. I...
  12. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    I don't think so. Temperatures should fall as distance from the light increases at approximately the same rate that foot-candles decreases. My temps are at least 10 degrees cooler on top of the res as under the lights. And yes, there is a difference between air temp and radiant heat. But since...
  13. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    Nono, I don't dislike your theory at all. In fact, it is the best I have heard. I'm just probing to see if it can explain all the facts. I'm willing to stipulate for the moment, that regular thermometers from walmart can't measure temps under the lights for the reasons you say. But I still have...
  14. Illegal Smile

    Newbie who wants to get in to growing

    I predict you will fail on snottiness alone.
  15. Illegal Smile

    Questions about hid lights... Please

    Plants cannot grow up to the glass in any case. There is no simple formula where x cfms gives you y temperatures. It depends on many factors - ambient room temp, ability to get cool air in (how cool?) and ability to get hot air out (to where?). I run a 600 in a closet that is 2.5 by 3.5 and 8 ft...
  16. Illegal Smile

    Newbie who wants to get in to growing

    Damn kids these days - can't tell 'em anything!
  17. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    I'm not sure I follow. How does a change from old hood to new hood, explain rapid fluctuations with the new hood? It still seems to me we should be looking for the max temp the plants have to bear, and that's the tops under the light, so why measure anywhere else?
  18. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    All good points, but I'm thinking this: why only now? I've been putting them in that location for a long time, trying to get an accurate reading of the temps the foliage tops that I want in the beam of the light are living with. I always thought putting a thermometer any where else was just a...
  19. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    AC means air cooled in reflector-speak
  20. Illegal Smile

    Great Mystery - temps rise/fall for no reason!

    There has to be a reason you say? A couple days ago I would have agreed, but listen to this: I got my new AC reflector and put it up over plants at 3 weeks of flower. I was elated because the first day, at half the distance from tops as before, temps were ranging from 70-72. With temps like...