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  1. elenor.rigby

    First Time Indoor Herbs and Veggies, Need Set Up Advice?

    Doing the same guys, started all my outdoor toms, peppers, herbs indoors in my nursery, 250w cfl blue spectrum, better start than mother nature.. I am god!!!!!!!!
  2. elenor.rigby

    Growing in Working Fridge?

    hey mattman, why dont you just walk to the fridge to get munchies like all the rest of us. growing weed in the fridge, never heard anything like it... hahah. good luck though..
  3. elenor.rigby


    Fuck internet roulette...fuck fuck fuck. Been here nefore, fuck fuck fuck
  4. elenor.rigby

    Adding More Light!

    sorry dog, maybe im stoned but i still dont understand.. how do i add to a reflector that has only one female screw socket?? ive gopt another reflector for the 300w cfl, and wanted to put them side by side.. where is the shadow/loss of lumens from??
  5. elenor.rigby

    Adding More Light!

    ok. dog, are you saying that i cxant use it?? was hoping to put up cfl next to 600w near the top of the tent??? cant use it as side lighting. the bulb is fucking huge.
  6. elenor.rigby

    Adding More Light!

    hi guys, just wondering if anyone can help me. again!!. I have bought a 300w red spectrum cfl to add to my tent. I currently have a 600w dual spectrum hps, and three strong girls on veg, looking to flip in about a week. The question is... do i just plug in and go with my 600w and 300wcfl when i...
  7. elenor.rigby

    Ready to harvest!?

    not yet mate, two weeksmin.
  8. elenor.rigby


    dirty fucker!!!
  9. elenor.rigby

    Good Pest Control for Indoor Tent?

    why are you having problems with pests when you are using an indoor tent??
  10. elenor.rigby

    Osama Bin Laden Dead...

    i heard that you cant rape the willing!!!
  11. elenor.rigby

    Do Women Like Guys With Beards?

    my mrs says yes, long and tamed, as long as its past the stubly stage.. haha. what a question...
  12. elenor.rigby

    Osama Bin Laden Dead...

    youve all been fooled. i just got served by obl in my local kebab shop.........
  13. elenor.rigby


    what is this dmt thing all about? can anyone describe it? vegetable/chemical? ingestion method? resulting upper/downer/spin you rounder??
  14. elenor.rigby

    1000w cool tube hanging vertical down the middle and 2x400s on top or vice versa?

    yeah im not too confident lollypopping, going to leave my next girls whole so to speak, untrimmed etc. my point is that after the burst of growth in the early flwoer stage, the girls wont benefit from a blue spectrum cfl, (as is in my nursery), but a red spectrum 300w cfl bulb is an alternative...
  15. elenor.rigby

    1000w cool tube hanging vertical down the middle and 2x400s on top or vice versa?

    very interesting question. i also would like to increase yield from lower parts. but not with either of those suggestions. i am thinking of using red spectrum cfl, maybe 2x300w.. any thoughts? less heat???
  16. elenor.rigby

    New way to communicate

    Haha. I can help.. Chill out everyone.... Re mollasess.. In the uk, most pharmacists/ health food shops stock black organic mollasess, unsulfered. I use it during flowering after week 1 or 2. Also used to flush growing in soil. Also i think that unless you two arguees know each other...
  17. elenor.rigby

    Truth or Lie?

    Well well 7000 dollars??? Mmmmmmmm, business choice ahead.. Continue or not????
  18. elenor.rigby

    200oz ??? how ???

    Haha sorry mate. Stoned.. I dont know the answer but am def subbed to find out. There are alot of clever people on this site, the answers wont take long... Happy farming...
  19. elenor.rigby

    200oz ??? how ???

    Thats a huge op dude. Maybe start with one and see how you go... Hahaha