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  1. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Just my opinion, unless that 1000 watt on craigslist is new in the box or worth 500 bucks, I wouldn't get it. No warranty and for all you know that ballast could have been used rough(in hot conditions) and could pop and you'd be out 200 bucks. I'd find a good deal on something new. Just my...
  2. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Well, my first indoor attic RDWC 1000 watt Northern Lights grow of 2 monster plants was my highest yielding crop yet. I let them veg. for almost two months because I didn't know any better, ended up with about 30 tops and the bigger ones weighed a ounce once dried. Had 16 Mason Jars that...
  3. m420p

    1st time journal: 6 plants, rdwc, 1000w, lemon skunk

    When you do eventually remake your system in a few months and plan on doing the same as my system here's a few pointers: -Make sure your buckets are raised a bit so there is enough depth in your res. for the pump and anticipate solution loss from plant uptake so the more depth, the longer you...
  4. m420p

    1st time journal: 6 plants, rdwc, 1000w, lemon skunk

    Ya, he was checking out my journal and asked if I'd check out his journal and help him out. Even if you don't know a lot about DWC or RDWC at least you took the time to try and help, a lot more than some people with the experience and knowledge of DWC tend to do.
  5. m420p


    Awesome work with that LST, a lot of people are scared at first but you sure went crazy and that's the best way to do it.
  6. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Wow, how could I not notice that, how ironic, I've done SCROGs in the past but I had one unnamed clone strain that hated the SCROG so I wasn't sure if I should or not. I'm about a week and a half into bloom, think it's too late? I can always pull all the tops and most the leaves up through it I...
  7. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Forgot to mention the 5.5 feet is to the cardboard wall. not the room wall behind the res.
  8. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Why thank you, the room is 5.5 ft x 5 ft. My 1000 is on a track though so I can have my room a little bigger than it should be. I've never used a 600 but I'd say 4x4 would be about perfect for a stationary 1000 watt light. Wouldn't go any smaller but I'm sure you wouldn't be wasting any light...
  9. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Added a little upgrade to the room. Made a cardboard wall to put mylar on for the side with the res. One side of the room was a little darker than the other. Much better now.
  10. m420p

    1st time journal: 6 plants, rdwc, 1000w, lemon skunk

    Hey, here to help if you need it, I'm subed. Pertaining to the quote above, that is also another reason that I did my system the way it is. Even as solution evaporates or gets used by the plants, the solution level in the buckets stays where it is at. Only the level in the res. goes down...
  11. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    You know, I get your feeling on not finding the connections your looking for. Were they a grow shop or hydro shop? I've found there's a difference. The smallest shop around where I live is a hydro shop and idk how but he has way more stuff that I need than the bigger grow shops in the area. I...
  12. m420p

    My girls need help!!

    I was looking at the pictures in this link but i couldn't make a guess. Maybe if you read a bit. Could be a toxicity which are rare. I was going to say over watering which could cause the yellowing but that browning on those leaves isn't typical and looking at your soil it looks like you know...
  13. m420p

    Leaf curl at week 5!!! HELP Looks like it might die...

    Dude, chill, it was a joke... I take it back, I don't want whatever your smoking... see, that was another joke. We were legitimately trying to help you. All you had to do is nicely tell us how your have been suspecting your brother. Not tell us to F off. It's obvious you must be a teenager...
  14. m420p

    Easy as 3-2-1(NPK) Organic Soil Mix...JUST ADD WATER!

    Har har har, bet you don't even know where a plant stores it's nutrients... I'd put my hydro grown bud with a month and a half cure time next to your "organic" grown bud any day... I'm not trying to start another soil/hydro debate, but I laugh at statements like the one said above...
  15. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Another cool thing I haven't set up yet and I'll post pics. is the homemade "water filters" I put under the flow of the returns in the res. Build them with coat hangers, window screening and a air carbon filter to filter the water of dead roots or build-up caused by nutrients in the system. It...
  16. m420p

    Sannie’s Jack Herer F7 4 Bucket RDWC 1000 Watt HPS Grow

    Oh no, by all means any questions are welcome. hmmm... that's interesting, so are you trying both? I have my doubts about that top feed. You said you did 3 like mine, are all six connected? did you use 1 inch tubing and put it at the right level on all buckets to control the solution height...
  17. m420p

    Browning edges after major mite infestation. Are the mites the cause?

    Best way to get rid of Mites, is to never start with them and take precautions to prevent getting them.
  18. m420p

    Browning edges after major mite infestation. Are the mites the cause?

    One question, have you been applying the Neem oil with the light on? Well from rereading your comment you do, that can also be contributing to leaf problems. When I had Mites I used neem oil and couldn't apply it with the lights on without harming the plant. If you think it's a P deficiency...
  19. m420p

    History ?: Who do you believe were the first Europeans to settle in North America?

    You know for not believing and watching those kind of shows you sure do know a lot about them.