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  1. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    Here are some New pics I took today Of our first plant (La OG),, It's about 2 Week of Veg..
  2. SmokinOGkushTrees

    How Long Should I Veg. Outdoor?

    Will do. ASAP.
  3. SmokinOGkushTrees

    Mature plant with only 3 bladed leaves ?

    Thats crazy man,, Trip out on this my Phantom Og is Growing lots of 4 blades!!! LoL,,,
  4. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    Here are the Pic's u Wanted to see Sence your to Lazy to Come LooK aT youR bAbyS!!!! The New BB HB we got-- The top of the Phantom(Our first clones ever) La oG Clones(Our first clones ever) Poison oG--- The Phantom oG in its new Home--- We Got this big dogg,,,,,
  5. SmokinOGkushTrees

    How Long Should I Veg. Outdoor?

    My plant is now 4 weeks old and a little over a foot. Indica OG Strain, in a Fox Farm (ocean forest) blend, used Super Thrive when I first transplanted, now it has been Super Natural Gro Terra, in a pot outdoors. How long should I keep the plant in its vegative state? any advice would help...
  6. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    Well it seem's to be doing better under the fluorescent light for now... I tryed leaving it out in the sun but it wasnt lookin anybetter so i brought it back in... How long should i keep veging for??? I now im runnung a little late on an OD grow but im still determined... Im going to eventually...
  7. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    Ya we'll see if she make's it...
  8. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    I think it got to dry i only watered it a little yesterday morning when i did the transplant,,, I seen that it was getting hot so i checked on it and thats what it looked like!!!! 1 day B4 transplant B4 i transplanted After transplant
  9. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    Could this be Nute burn or just maybe shock because of transplant??? Should i keep it in the sun or put it back under the fluorescent light???
  10. SmokinOGkushTrees

    What should i do?

    Everything LooKing Good so far!!! I transplanted the Phantom OG in a 5 Gal bucket today,, It seems to be taking it good... Also got a free bee on sunday BlueBerry Head Band from the med shop,,, Had mad roots,, Put it in some soil gave it a low dose of nutes and seem to be loving it...
  11. SmokinOGkushTrees

    mini unrooted Clones survivable? (pics)

    Just let them chill,, let the rock wool dry up a little!!! Good Luck..
  12. SmokinOGkushTrees

    How Long Should I Veg. Outdoor?

    i fully agree, i started pretty late. I just want to know for future refrence. but yes if anyone knows, let us know. Thanks.
  13. SmokinOGkushTrees

    How Long Should I Veg. Outdoor?

    it is about 10 inces maybe a foot. i let it get only morning sun(from 6:07 until 12:17 p.m.), then it gets shade for the rest of the day. so far everything seems to be working out. i have already got two clones from it. but how long should i keep doing this?
  14. SmokinOGkushTrees

    How Long Should I Veg. Outdoor?

    I have an Indica plant that has been vegging outdoors for 3-4 weeks now, when should i switch it to the 12/12 cycle? any help would be appreciated.
  15. SmokinOGkushTrees

    How Long Should I Veg. Outdoor?

    I have an outdoor indica strain that's been vegging for about 3.5 weeks now maybe 4. How much longer should I keep it in this state before moving it to the 12/12 cycle? Any help would be nice.
  16. SmokinOGkushTrees

    Confirm nitrogen defficiency?

    Mine is lookin better already,,, First just try to flush it and go on from there,,, Remember though if u do flush it, the next time u watter give it a lower dose of nutes and slowley work your way up if u got to!!! Good luck..
  17. SmokinOGkushTrees

    Confirm nitrogen defficiency?

    Mine was doing the same thing today,,, i flushed it and when i got home later it was lookin alot better!!! Poison OG,, B4 i flushed it!!!
  18. SmokinOGkushTrees

    Best way to get rid of thrips and spidermites??

    Today i just saw that u can use very very little dish soap and water spray down let sit for 20min then hit it good with reg water... I did it to my La OG today,, saw some spider mites!!! Dam fucker's!!!
  19. SmokinOGkushTrees


    Cant really tell yet eather,,,How old is it???
  20. SmokinOGkushTrees

    unrooted clones on 18/6?

    What kind of rooting hormone you using?? Power, Gel?? Here are my first clones ever "if u cant tell"... Still alive!!! I used rooteck cloning gel and rock wool!!! They are also under a 40watt florescent light,,, Also i heard try not to cut where it,s red b/c it's already under stress!!! Too much...