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  1. DoeEyed

    Please Help, RIU

    I haven't looked at 'em in awhile under the scope, I can check when they wake up later. If they are?
  2. DoeEyed

    Please Help, RIU

    Yep that's right, about 6 1/2 weeks in. So then would there be a benefit to this or no? At this time she only has a few leaves (aside form bud leaves) still alive anyway, and those are already yellow.:wall:
  3. DoeEyed

    Seedling help!

    lol I told ya I wasn't kidding! It really does - not because they love the sound (or vibration, as the case may be) of your voice, either - we have a major symbiotic relationship with plants, we breath their exhaust, and they breath ours! It's pretty amazing if ya think about it. :-P:leaf:
  4. DoeEyed

    Please Help, RIU

    Double potting - that's where you just cut off the bottom of the container and stick it on top of a new container full of soil, correct? So how would one cut the plastic without cutting the roots?
  5. DoeEyed

    Please Help, RIU

    Ok great, I'll try it - one last question - do I need to let her dry out first and get as much of the old soil off her rootball as possible, or keep it together?
  6. DoeEyed

    ready to harvest tonight plz tell me if im too early??

    lmao That's great! You'll have to let us know what your final harvest weight is.;-)
  7. DoeEyed

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    I'm hoping so. Glad to have you aboard! Whatcha got growing in the pic there? Looks good!:leaf:
  8. DoeEyed

    Seedling help!

    NO NUTES until they are around three weeks old. Up to that point, the cotyldons (little rounded leaves) have everything a young seedling needs to grow! It is safe, however, to start them on Molassas at two weeks old - half a TBSP per gallon of water. Keep them moist but not overwatered, keep the...
  9. DoeEyed

    ready to harvest tonight plz tell me if im too early??

    No problem, glad I could help. I haven't tried to quick dry any of mine - but I've heard you can do it in the oven or microwave. Best bet I think, is to check in the Harvesting section, might be a sticky on it, or if not use the forum search - you'll find threads on how to do it.;-)
  10. DoeEyed

    Have I damaged my seeds ??

    Yep, I second that. I seal mine in their damp napkins, inside a small tupperware bowl. Better that, because if they crack open and dry out like that, they will die.:leaf:
  11. DoeEyed

    ready to harvest tonight plz tell me if im too early??

    OK - let's see - I know you can get it off of their website, but probably take too long - you may want to consider ordering it for future use though. Got a magnifying glass? You "might" be able to tell with that - I know with my trichs I can kinda see the color looking at 'em where they bristle...
  12. DoeEyed

    My seeds still havent sprouted??

    If you planted them deep it's gonna take more time. Don't dig them up, you risk damaging the taproot and that is very bad. Also - I don't know where you're at in the world, but around here, temps are falling - seedlings need to be warm, so make sure your windowsill isn't too cold for them.:leaf:
  13. DoeEyed

    ready to harvest tonight plz tell me if im too early??

    They look about right - got a microscope? If not you can get a small handheld one from RadioShack, for $12. For the stone you want, you wanna see cloudy trichomes with just a few amber.:leaf:
  14. DoeEyed

    Question about germination

    Yep I agree, you may want to pop a couple of those bagseed first and work out your "growing pains" on them. For the germination - I would say either they were bad seed, or you left them too wet and/or too cold. With the paper towel method you want them damp but not soaked. After which you want...
  15. DoeEyed

    newbie needs help LOOK please

    I believe the OP was wanting to know if these are, in fact, ladies, and if we can't tell (which the pics don't show) then they want to know why, what's wrong, that they aren't showing at two months old. They aren't showing sex yet - nothing to panic about, they look beautiful - but if you...
  16. DoeEyed

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    lol He's just kidding - I snipped mine with a small hair cutting scissors, no biggie - I would add to be careful in there though, too easy to snip something you don't want to. I accidently snipped part of a small fan leaf and part of another stem, so yeah - just take your time. They came out...
  17. DoeEyed

    Molasses Question Please help out

    You can get the Grandma's at Wal-Mart, right by the pancake syrup. I start mine out on it in veg, at 2 weeks old (half a TBSP per gallon) and up it to one TBSP per gallon by four weeks through the rest of the grow. Good luck!:peace:
  18. DoeEyed

    tempreature and humidity

    Yep pretty much nailed it, that's what you want to aim for.
  19. DoeEyed

    Is one 18in fluorescent enough for a couple seedlings ???

    No - while MH is better for vegging, it is NOT better for seedlings - that fluoro tube will be fine for the first weeks of it's life. What Miggy said is correct - the tubes will help keep your seedling from stretching because you can place it so close. (Within two inches). After that point...
  20. DoeEyed

    Flowering plant question

    I'm not sure I understand the question, male flowers and female flowers are two different things. But if you're just talking about female flowers, no, cutting off part of the bud will just damage it, it will not cause it to grow bigger.