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    Efforts to garner support from Anonymous

    yeah i am with you on that one, however Anonymous is a good group to have behind you (instead of against you).
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    your aloud to have an incidental amount of seeds, trimmings, and take that with a grain of salt. Importing seeds is illegal (on a federal level, not a state level) My dispensary has seeds ($5 for 2 beans) although the downside is they are their seeds and crosses (no breeders packs)...
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    Drug test......which route to take?

    while i do believe your logic...that dosage seems rather large considering recommended max dosage is 2000mg A DAY...
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    Buying Or Renting/Saving?

    Sorry didn't read past the OP's comment so bare with me: Now is the time to buy, rentals are at an all time high as the economy sucks and people do not want to be tied down. my house is about 1000 sq/ft on a good size lot and i pay $550 a month (taxes and insurance included) now i worked in the...
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    Any hunters? Or gun enthusiasts? (Survivalists?) (Food preppers?)

    My arsenal: Mossberg 500 12GA (everyone should own this weapon, it's cheap, nicely made and a great intro to shotguns) Springfield XD .40 (great stopping power, good saftey features) Hi-Point 4095 .40 (nice little cheap trunk gun) Remington 880 Express 20GA (my bird bun) Savage 200 .30-06 (big...
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    So A Mod Told Me

    Well, having felt the stink from the mods recently i can see where OP is coming from. however i do not frequent the Oregon section so i cannot speculate to his behavior. I will agree that if Firefox didn't have spell check i would be in the same boat so i would back off the spelling, shit i type...
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    Who's Left?

    Sup buddy, nice to see you still kicking....
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    In Need Of Meds, Can't Afford Dispensary

    Hey buddy, we can't help being nervous...thanks to the Obama administration the rights we thought were protected arn't any more...your right, if you were an Alphabet boy you would have 50k in buy money, but i wouldn't put it past the DEA to set up small time buys for inflated statistics showing...
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    Anyone Ever Get Tired Of Getting High By Yourself?

    I am a control freak and NEW people are too much of a risk to me.
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    Liquid LSD

    well break it down 1 hit costs X there is Q in each does and there is P in each vile =(P/Q)*X....give or take because your buying in bulk...again not specific but will get you in a ball park. EDIT: just realized you never specified the size of the vile and are looking for that info bad
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    you do know you can cook meth with a 'one-pot' method now? j/k j/k.....sounds like you have some fun ahead of you good luck....
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    What's The Best RC Stimulant In Your Opinion ?

    in the context of RC's i am useless, however Ritalin is my D.O.C when it comes to speed....
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    Who's Left?

    LMFAO...yeah been away for a minute...but darling i would lick peanut butter from any spot you asked me too...aside from another dude
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    Who's Left?

    If only i had met you 8 years ago.....very nice girly
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    Crazy Place For A Bud To Grow

    crazy...i can say i have seen it all now
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    What Did You Toke Last?

    Black Widow...very nice, come down was like a snap. Burmese Kush (BUKU)...probably the only Kush i like, lucked out and found a few seeds in the nugg. Sour D...well what can i say, Sour D is Sour of the best strains IMO
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    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS
