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  1. Bargar

    LOTS of Nute Water on Buds, Help!

    No pics as its lights off right now, but I have some DENSE buds of white Russian, and I have seen what a few drops of nutrients can do to leaves, so I would imagine there would be burning on the buds. and if not that then mold or mildew or some other bad things. Imagine your feeding your...
  2. Bargar

    LOTS of Nute Water on Buds, Help!

    Well my pump/hose malfunctioned and half of one of my eight ladies got bathed in Nute water that was 900ppm (Hanna). Day 45 of Flowering Do I remove this section of the plant from the garden now, before possible mold sets in? The last the I want is a few branches spreading mold. Please help!!!!
  3. Bargar

    Need Light Spectrum Help/Advice

    Sadly, the CMH comes in a maximum of 400W. IF your really concerned about spectrum, I would adjust your garden to support a couple of 400W's and SKIP OUT on the 1kW HPS. I promise you your plants will LOVE the swap, and your room temps should drop noticeably. Do a internet search on CMH, and...
  4. Bargar

    Need Light Spectrum Help/Advice

    In response to the ORIGINAL POST, I would advise looking into Phillips HPS retro white (Commonly Called CMH or Ceramic Metal Halide) It is a full spectrum bulb, and it the one stop shop for both veg, and flowering. My last grow was in soil, in a 2x4, using 2 400W CMH's and I must say i was VERY...
  5. Bargar

    Will 2 400W be Worth the Electricity vs 1 600W, 2x4 Space

    Thanks for the help in reconfirming what I was thinking about the two 400's. As a matter of fact noguts, his book is what gave me the idea originally to set it up. I guess I should stick with what works. What kind of yields should I expect from a 2x4? Last run I pulled about 1.2lbs, with soil...
  6. Bargar

    Will 2 400W be Worth the Electricity vs 1 600W, 2x4 Space

    Well the title pretty much nails it... I am nearing the end of my cycle, and I am trying to decide if I need to change my lighting set up before the next run, since I need new bulbs anyway, and have lots of spare ballasts I could use. I use 2 400W CMH's, for my 2x4 room. Would I be better off...
  7. Bargar

    Need help on which strain to scrog, White Russian or Jillybean.

    So the question is, which strain would be better for a scrog, TGA Subcools Jillybean (Candystore phenotype) or Serious Seeds White Russian. Thanks for checking out my thread!
  8. Bargar

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    This is one great thread! Thanks goes out to everyone that has taken part (Especially Jberry!!!) I was wanting to know if there would be any problems in using Botanicare's Cal-mag, or Hygrozyme, With the Canna line of nutes. I currently have Canna coco A+B, and Canna PK. (Also I have from my...
  9. Bargar

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Hey folks, I am on page 42 of this informative thread currently, but I was wondering if there was a summary, or general consensus on which Nutrient set up "Generally" produces more favorable yields? I have Botanicare products that seem to work fine with my coco, but I see the canna line is...
  10. Bargar

    is this foliar feeding damage?

    Fox farms ocean forest 70% 25% Light warrior 5% earthworm castings. then I added 3 red solo cups to the garbage bag i mixed it in. May have been a little more on the earthworm castings.
  11. Bargar

    is this foliar feeding damage?

    2ft above?
  12. Bargar

    is this foliar feeding damage?

    It's only 2 400W CMH in a cooltube, should i raise it higher?
  13. Bargar

    is this foliar feeding damage?

    I used my tea to foliar feed, but i was an idiot and fed during the light cycle (I cant seem to be awake during the dark cycle). so is this bleaching/burn from foliar feeding?
  14. Bargar

    Earthworm castings in compost tea, or just on the soil?

    I was wondering if this was a good idea, and also how much to add per gallon of tea. I ask this because my Nitrogen level is low. Would I be better "topping off" the pots with earthworm castings, or using a tea?
  15. Bargar

    CMH users check this out! Concise info only please.

    I have been receiving mixed reviews, some VERY experienced growers saying both to, and not to use CMH lighting. I have one in my room right now, and tomorrow I am adding a second one (400W). This is my first grow of anything indoors (Besides seedlings for spring planting) so I do not think my...
  16. Bargar

    Help!!!! Maximizing Light in space, PLZ HELP! (Pics)

    Well rzza, overkill on my exhaust is a must! I suck at installing doors and the room is not sealed (Besides the intake and exhaust) so Duct tape can stop light leaks, but not the smell... At the end of my exhaust is the almighty carbon filter. Also I know for a fact some of the seeds I marked as...
  17. Bargar

    Help!!!! Maximizing Light in space, PLZ HELP! (Pics)

    Well, the CMH Phillips has made is also called the Retro White High pressure sodium, although I have access to a HPS with the light that appears orange, is it really better than the CMH? I hear full spectrum is important for resin production. Also these babies run way cooler than MH, and HPS...
  18. Bargar

    Over fert? Mosaic virus? Over watering or under watering? (PICS!)

    Well, it seems my nitrogen is low..... with earthworm castings do I want to brew them in a tea, or just make the top layer coated with them, and feed/water as normal? I'm going organic by the way.
  19. Bargar

    Over fert? Mosaic virus? Over watering or under watering? (PICS!)

    6.6-6.9 is the PH of 3 soil samples.