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  1. BustinScales510

    Megan Fox vs. Evolution

    Wow, she is a composite of every shitty creationist argument there is. She keeps aggressively misrepresenting things to the point that it almost seems like shes trying to reassure herself. She apparently loves fossils,but hates when they are used to establish a timeline. Like it's preposterous...
  2. BustinScales510

    Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

    Rice sucks, thats all they eat on survivor and they always look all emaciated and shitty at the end :)
  3. BustinScales510

    Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

    I think the video (and other sources) kinda did, not all but some of the problems, anyway. Starch and grain crops that store well and feed lots of people dont do well along the equator, plus diseases and parasites that thrive in the tropics dont exist as readily in the temeperate regions of the...
  4. BustinScales510

    Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

    I googled "Haiti after the French" and this came up. "The immediate post-revolutionary period of Haitian history was a terribly difficult one. The country was in shambles. Most of the plantations were destroyed, many...
  5. BustinScales510

    Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich

    Cool video. The book "guns germs and steel" examines the same topic. The author talks extensively about the latitude factor. The east/west continental axis of europe and asia made it possible for the same crops and animals to be used for thousands of miles across the land mass.
  6. BustinScales510

    is it legal to have an empty grow room?

    That article was written in 2000 an its citations are court cases from the 80s and 90s. For a quickly evolving legal scene,that makes it pretty dated info. To the OP, I wouldnt worry about it. There are a massive amount of home grows in the bay area and PG&E is well aware of it. I blew a...
  7. BustinScales510

    Dick Sucking Robot

    This one looks pretty stylin. The guy on the promotional video is hilarious too, I love when hes talking about flushing out "the debris" when finished.
  8. BustinScales510

    Quantum Kush 38% THC?

    Anything on Dexter couldnt have been worse, because it didnt actually happen.
  9. BustinScales510

    Are we living in the End Times?

    I think you missed the point. Those figures were just for the war casualties and flu deaths,not counting the deaths that occurred naturally. Also,the worlds population was like a quarter of what it is now. Anyways, what I meant was is that the misery and uncertainty mustve been incredible..but...
  10. BustinScales510

    Perils of Perception (a 14 country study)

    I only got 3 out of 9. I also second guessed some of them after I saw I had gotten the previous one wrong. I think maybe I would have done better if I hadnt seen each answer until the end. I dont see how missing some of those is supposed to indicate political the life expectancy...
  11. BustinScales510

    Are we living in the End Times?

    No, Im not too worried about it. In comparison to basically any other period in human history, things are pretty stable right now. 100 years ago, World War 1 started and ended around the time the 1918 global flu epidemic was ramping up, between the 2 of those events somewhere around 100...
  12. BustinScales510

    Leaves and stems pointing down after day 1 of flowering

    The wilting looks like it dried out, theres not enough water in the plant cells so they go limp. If the soil is dry just water it, with tap water or filtered whatever you use. If youre using foxfarm soil dont get too hung up on adding nutrients yet, theres nutes in the soil.
  13. BustinScales510


    Id agree with rootbound. 6 weeks is a long time for vegging in 1 gallon.
  14. BustinScales510

    Why is OG Kush worth more in the streets..?

    Actually I think "kush" just fell off the name because it became redundant to always add it on to OG. Once anything is popularized it is common for it to be abbreviated. I assume you know that though, per your ostentatious use of the word "mnemonic" . Also, a lot of the OG cuts floating around...
  15. BustinScales510

    Why is OG Kush worth more in the streets..?

    You got it. Harder to grow - nutrient sensitive and usually flimsey viney structure,and low yield. When done well its high quality though and desirable
  16. BustinScales510

    A Canadian Perspective

    A move to impeach by the republicans would be the best thing ever to happen for the democrats. None of those things would be enough to impeach the president, so the republican congress would just look crazy and childish for the next 2 years and 2016 would be a shoe in for the democrats
  17. BustinScales510

    OG#18 for a novice grower, bad idea?

    Yeah I like using tables. I cut pvc posts for the corners and fasten 2 layers or trellis netting at about 3 and 4 feet. Sometimes Ill use a firm metal screen with 4 inch squares if I wanna do a lot of tying down/scrog.
  18. BustinScales510

    OG#18 for a novice grower, bad idea?

    Newer growers can grow og, just be mindful of canopy control as they grow tall and viney. Be prepared for the weak branches to flop every towards the end..trellis or cages are highly advised.
  19. BustinScales510

    how to find roomates?

    I think your goals for getting into the biz are too modest. Why stop at only 2 random partners? You should hang certs on all your neighbors houses too, and then the whole block would be a co-op and you could grow in everyones yards and crop like a ton every harvest. Open a franchise of...
  20. BustinScales510


    You might be aiming for a while