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  1. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    I hadn't even considered this earlier, but if it's really as easy as this video makes it look, I might have to give it a shot. Has anyone else done their own wiring, and is it actually as easy as it looks?
  2. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    Good point. Any way I can mitigate the risk? Is there any kind of credential I should look for in hiring an electrician? Also, what do I need to ask for, in order to get power for, say 4x1000w lights and all the accessories? I might be starting to get off into something for another subforum...
  3. infrared

    Dyna-Gro vs General Hydroponics (Dumpster Grow)

    Homebrewer, Thanks for all your work on this thread. I've read it twice (three times? :bigjoint:) -- once for fun, and again tonight while taking notes along the way. I'm DONE with Fox Farm soil and nutes, and am thrilled to see that DynaGro has all the nutrients I'll need so I don't have to...
  4. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    Excellent suggestion, thanks!
  5. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    I find it hilarious that in my recent google search for "electrical work in rental home", this thread is the #9 result. And this brings me to my latest inquiry: How can I find an electrician who will do work in a home I don't own without getting permission from the owner?
  6. infrared

    Carport GreenHouse 2011

    Merry Christmas doublejj!!! I had the great pleasure to read over this thread over the past couple weeks and finally finished it a couple days ago. One thing that stood out to me along the way: You have, indeed, helped me realize that with attention and experience, spectacular results are...
  7. infrared

    1 tent, 1200w, 9 strains, 19 plants and HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS!

    When the lights come on in about an hour, that'll be the start of Day 57 of flower. With my last watering on Day 55, I began to flush the Romulan and Confidential Cheese plants, using a tablespoon of molasses in a gallon of 6.5pH water. The other plants are getting more CaMg+, Tiger Bloom and...
  8. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    Ok, now I get why you're pushing the stealth angle. Alas, I need more medicine (for edibles, etc) for my condition than I can fit into a small cabinet, so . . . just an open request to anyone else out there with more helpful tidbits: what steps can you take to keep your garden safe(st)...
  9. infrared

    DJ Short Blueberry Grow by Snafu (all organic)

    Looking so nice and green. Can't wait to see what the vertical growth looks like, now that you've laid such a solid foundation:clap:
  10. infrared

    1 tent, 1200w, 9 strains, 19 plants and HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS!

    Ah, that makes total sense. The place I'm looking at has a garage and backyard, but no place I could reasonably claim 'carport', so I'm thinking an outdoor grow might be out of the question for 2012. I'll have to see if I can get away from work on Thurs (usually tied up 9am-noon), so I can get...
  11. infrared

    Weed Wars

    My own reaction was the first one and then some of the second. I bet if you played this episode for a group of first graders, they'd 'get' the thematic expression that pharamaceuticals = junkie behavior whereas MMJ = patient wisdom and unconditional love. I wonder if adults would pick up on...
  12. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    I don't have house guests anymore, either. But having a contingency plan and an explanation for why the room's being used/locked -- that's quite a helpful addition, thanks. Also helpful. I think if I had a place where a carport would make sense, I could do a doublejj-style setup, but even...
  13. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    With some of the same concerns for intrusion as mentioned above, is it 'possible' to do a greenhouse grow in a leased home's backyard?
  14. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    You know, you're right. I could see even up to like a 7 gallon fitting perfectly in one of those Uhaul 'wardrobe' boxes. Probably pros and cons to both lines of thinking, but I'd go with the bigger pots using this to justify my decision. I was thinking the same thing until I read an article...
  15. infrared

    1 tent, 1200w, 9 strains, 19 plants and HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS!

    Speaking of the carport, doublejj, I started a thread about rental property managers and it's gotten me thinking about a bunch of new angles. I assume you own your home; is it even possible for me to pull off a greenhouse grow like that on a rental property? I see that your neighbors couldn't...
  16. infrared

    1 tent, 1200w, 9 strains, 19 plants and HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS!

    I'm planning to move soon so I can find a place to accommodate that. Hopefully I'll find one and get settled in just in time to start my 3rd cycle journal in the new garden :blsmoke:
  17. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    Great feedback, guys! Just as I was hoping, you brought up some things I hadn't even considered. I'm surprised to learn that individual owners may present less of a hassle, yet it makes total sense given the arguments you've both laid out. I can't afford to buy a house ATM, so I'll look for...
  18. infrared

    1 tent, 1200w, 9 strains, 19 plants and HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS!

    I made it up to about page 50 by the end of last evening but we lost power around here today and it blanked all my open Chrome tabs, so I'll have to figure out where I'm at for this evening's reading. Watching those things get so much bigger across the first few videos is amazing; I can't wait...
  19. infrared

    1 tent, 1200w, 9 strains, 19 plants and HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS!

    Ok good to know. I can't get my M.arijuana Plant Saver book cos it's in the garden room right now and it'll be dark for a few hours, but I want to blame it on the book and say mine looks slightly different than how it's depicted therein. But now that you say this, I do remember a pic someone...
  20. infrared

    Property manager vs. sole proprietor RE:electrical work

    Hey RIU, I'm planning to move to a new home soon, and need to know a few things about rentals. My understanding is that in California, 24 hours notice is required for any kind of inspection or showing -- basically anything that involves one of 'their' people entering my home. I plan to use a...