When the lights come on in about an hour, that'll be the start of Day 57 of flower. With my last watering on Day 55, I began to flush the Romulan and Confidential Cheese plants, using a tablespoon of molasses in a gallon of 6.5pH water. The other plants are getting more CaMg+, Tiger Bloom and ChaChing, somewhere north of 900ppms with each watering.
Here's the Confidential Cheese:
Some P deficiency; this is one of my main foci for next cycle so that I maximize my yield and keep the leaves greener, longer.
These tops look pretty good, almost ripe, but just a couple inches lower, most of the hairs are still white. I plan to harvest (at least the tops) within 5-7 days.
And doublejj, I just finished reading your carport journal. Nothing short of spectacular, and if anyone happens to read this, do yourself a favor and take a gander at the kind of magic this guy is working.
I saw a photo of the Medijuana where a fan leaf nearly reached your elbow. This ConChz has given me the biggest fans of my career, so I thought I'd 'show off' lol
Up next is the big 707 Headband. Its top buds also look nice and there are a bunch of them, but some leaves near the top are a pale yellow color with some weird splotches, some of which almost look like they've been splattered with easter egg dye or something crazy. Of the top fan leaves that are yellowing, the vast majority of them are (or were, as in the case of the Blue Dream I was able to fit in the back) in the middle where they're getting light from both 600w lights. They're all at least 10" away, but I can't help but wonder if it still might be too much light with both of those bulbs beaming down nearly doubly as intense in that overlapping area.
Also getting some yellowing on the 707s in 1gal pots. It's in the middle and not the bottom (there is some clear P def down there, though), so nitrogen deficiency seems unlikely. One of them has a nice autumn-like red tint to it, while the other is more just faded, with a bit of necrosis added in.
Merry Christmas, everybody. Thanks to all those who've offered a helping hand in 2011 and I'm looking forward to a great new year.