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  1. SoCal88

    Recycling iso?

    I pay about $3 a pint including tax.. About half the price of Ever Clear..
  2. SoCal88

    Recycling iso?

    I haven't tried it with ISO, yet, but I have done it with ethanol (Ever Clear).. I used an old pressure cooker and a homemade chiller with pretty good success... I was able to recover about 75% of the alcohol...
  3. SoCal88

    $1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

    You're right. $0.20 a KWH sucks !!! But that's not even the max rate in Southern Cal... We recently decommissioned San Onofre Nuclear plant.. Now they are passing those costs on. I got a letter 2 months ago saying that rates were going to increase significantly !!! Here's what SDG&E...
  4. SoCal88

    8 weeks Flowering I'm getting budworms??

    BT didn't work very well for me either.. I sprayed once a week with it and still got a ton of worms... I switched to a product called Monterey Garden Insect Spray. It contains Spinosad. It worked a lot better.
  5. SoCal88

    Indoor to outdoor.

    Where I grow I have to use supplemental lighting to prevent my plants from flowering as soon as I put them outside. No matter what time of year I move them from 18/6 indoors to outdoors.. I stick them outside when they are about 2 feet tall.. Good luck to you !!
  6. SoCal88

    has any one or know someone who has used or heard about the HighTimes mag. issue

    I built the stinkbud cloner. Uses the same timer you mentioned. I use mine set at 5 min off 1 min on.. 100% success rate. Never tried the full stinkbud system.. I prefer dirt. For me it's just less things to go wrong.. One thing I will say is don't try to use cheap sprayers. I tried the Home...
  7. SoCal88


    I've been sleeping very poorly for years.. I finally got around to making oil. I guess you would call it QWET.. Buds washed in Everclear.. Now I dip a toothpick in the oil and ingest about a grain of rice worth about 2 hours before bedtime. I sleep more soundly than I ever have.. It's even cut...
  8. SoCal88

    Veg questions

    I had it shining on 6 plants. They were all side by side in one row. The lights were positioned along the edge of my patio cover. It was approx. 8- 10 feet from the plant to the closest light.. Hope this helps you !!! Here's a link to the light...
  9. SoCal88

    Veg questions

    I used an outdoor solar light from Home Depot to keep my girls from flowering.. Kept it on til they were almost 4 feet high. As soon as I shut it down they went to flower. The light had 3 flood lights and cost somewhere around $35.. Good Luck !!
  10. SoCal88

    Coco coir - Watering tea recipe needed.

    I use alfalfa tea and Jacks 20-20-20 to water my plants in veg and bloom... Got a really good deal from e-bay on 25 lbs of Jacks.. The alfalfa tea I mix up myself in a 32 gallon trash can.. Plants love it !!
  11. SoCal88

    Rick Simpson Oil >> Tincture

    I also made RSO recently.. Some really powerful stuff !! I used everclear and a homemade chiller and was able to reclaim 75% of the alcohol. At $30 for 1.75 litre bottle it adds up.. Using 8 0z's of bud I ended up with almost exactly 1 oz of oil.. I haven't tried diluting the oil with everclear...
  12. SoCal88

    In the Caribbean

    Nice looking plants. I also veg indoors and flower outside.. The plants love the fresh air and sunshine.. Once I move mine outside I see buds forming in 2- 3 weeks.. Good luck with your grow !!!
  13. SoCal88

    Putting clones right into flower outdoors?? new grower here

    I put clones outside every month until September. Usually have my last harvest in November.. The nights here are a little too cold through the winter as my outdoor spot is not very well protected from the wind.. But depending on your location and setup it might work for you.. I usually start...
  14. SoCal88

    What is the perfect outdoor plant.

    I've been growing Strawberry Diesel for a couple of years now.. Nice smoke, very hearty plant and good yield..
  15. SoCal88

    Easiest way to take clones with perlite?

    If that were true my aero cloner wouldn't have a chance..
  16. SoCal88

    how to get most height out of clones

    My clones grow much better and faster outdoors.. They love the sun and fresh air.. I've used 600 hps and 400 cmh lights indoors and there is no comparison..
  17. SoCal88

    What the f im about to use

    Not a great choice.. But some people don't use any. The numbers you listed are the percent of N P & K in the fertilizer. So the amounts in your Orchid mix is very low. But it would be hard to kill them with that stuff !! There are all kinds of fertilizers that people use on their plants so...
  18. SoCal88

    best way to get the most of my vegetation period?!?!?!?

    Alfalfa tea does wonders for my plants.. Cheap but stinky...
  19. SoCal88

    Is it good to give your plants worm tea?

    Tea's are good stuff.. I give my girls Alfalfa tea mixed with their water and they love it.. Only bad thing is the smell..
  20. SoCal88

    Neem oil ?

    Lights out is a very important step.. You can fry those girls pretty easily...