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  1. SoCal88

    Starting to worry my plants will get too big for my yard.

    Last year I put plants out in May and they still flowered right away..
  2. SoCal88

    NorCal Grower Question????

    That's really interesting, DirtyD.. I've been putting clones out every month for the last 2 seasons. Never have they not gone straight to flower. I would be really interested in hearing your results as of June 1.. I try to never say anyone is wrong in what they do. I just know what works for...
  3. SoCal88

    NorCal Grower Question????

    Norcal or Socal it doesn't matter much.. Same plants and the sun rises and sets just about the same time.. And I would love to be able to grow one of your trees !!! But where I live it would really stick out like a sore thumb.. Wouldn't be able to sleep.. But, I've already got more bud in...
  4. SoCal88

    NorCal Grower Question????

    Clones or seedlings, it doesn't matter.. If they are use to long days under your lights they will flower as soon as you put them outside. I have Strawberry diesel clones and a Holy Grail from seed that are both about a month into flowering right now outdoors. Most growers who want their plants...
  5. SoCal88

    outdoor grow my plants are flowering?

    Just leave them alone. They will finish their flower cycle just fine with out messing with the lights.. I put plants out every 30 days just so I can get a harvest every month. They always finish very nicely. If you want them to reveg after you harvest just leave plenty of green on the remaining...
  6. SoCal88

    new at growing

    The reason they flowered is that you were giving them long hours of light under your florescents. When you moved them outside they sensed the shorter day and thought the season was ending. I do this all year long with my plants. I just let them get a little taller before I put them outside. I'm...
  7. SoCal88

    New to outdoor growing

    Indoor or outdoor ??
  8. SoCal88

    What was your most painful "Self-induced" grow mistake?

    Had some bugs flying around the grow room. Used neem oil and forgot to shut off the lights. Fried 3 four foot plants that were ready to flower..
  9. SoCal88

    outdoor help im stumped

    Private Video !!
  10. SoCal88

    Rooting clones? Hydro or Soil? Opinions

    Aero cloner for me.. Home made.. Cost around $100 to build including the minute/second cycle timer. 100 % success every time. Just don't use cheapo sprayers. Get the e-z clone ones.. Been using it for 2 years and it works great..
  11. SoCal88


    I use a homemade aero cloner.. I left too much bleach in the res last time I cleaned it and had a problem rooting.. The stems actually turned white. I was able to change the water, add some clonex solution and just trim the bleached stems. Still got 100 % success.. Only problem besides a little...
  12. SoCal88

    DIY cloner or Ebay cheap one?

    I built this aero cloner for a little under a $100 including a nice timer (biggest expense) that cycles 1 min on and 5 min off... 100 % success everytime... The only problem is I end up with so many clones that I have to give them away to keep my numbers legal...
  13. SoCal88

    Any1 Know Cheap Nutes/Ferts?

    Jacks and Alfalfa tea.. I use a tsp of Jacks per gallon for my indoor veg and a TBSP per gallon outdoor. I use a pint of the tea per gallon for all waterings.. Plants love it..
  14. SoCal88

    is it safe to bring em out now?

    The OP's profile says "City of Angels".. L.A.
  15. SoCal88

    is it safe to bring em out now?

    I veg indoors and flower outside all season long about 100 miles south of you. My plants are getting 18/6 indoors. When I put them outside they are gonna flower right away. This is my 3rd year of doing this. I have already had one harvest and will have my second of the season in another 2 weeks...
  16. SoCal88

    Nutrient questions

    Jacks and Alfalfa tea for me.. Very happy plants indoor veg and outdoor flower.. With that being said, Do whatever works for you !!
  17. SoCal88

    Do any plants really have coloured buds?

    Just harvested some outdoor Cherry Pie.. Buds and leaves were all purple.. Stanky, Sticky and Tastey !! Stunk up my whole garage where I dried it..
  18. SoCal88

    Outdoor clone question

    That's very interesting, Humboldt.. Never works that way for me. Did you have them under 18/6 before you moved them outside??
  19. SoCal88

    EMERGENCY! Need help with outdoor grow

    Because they sensed their daylight getting shorter. You took them from an 18 (most likely) hour day to somewhere around 12 hours and they think their growing season is ending. I do this all season long. Veg my plants indoors and stick them outside to flower. I get several harvests a year and...
  20. SoCal88

    Transition from indoor to outdoor

    I like the fact that they flower as soon as I put them out side. I veg indoors 18/6 til they are the size i want and then put them outside to flower. I get several good harvests a year. If you don't want them to flower that soon you'll have to slowly reduce your lighting down so it's close to...