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  1. WhiteWiddow

    Favorite Thing to do While High

  2. WhiteWiddow

    dont know shit

  3. WhiteWiddow

    About to start my first grow, need just a little help

    you can do just fine with some cfls for veg
  4. WhiteWiddow

    Pics of First Grow (Fox Farm Products) Input appreciated

    nice nuggs probably get more helpin harvesting and curing
  5. WhiteWiddow

    what do you think?

    i think you need a grow tent first... 2 sq feet? comeon
  6. WhiteWiddow

    CFL? Bulbs

    go to home depot bring 30$ bam grow lights
  7. WhiteWiddow

    Stems Bending/Sagging. Plants seem conscious Very very interesting.

    thats some fucked up shit haha its like they were lookin down like "where the fucks my water?"
  8. WhiteWiddow

    I need help peoples! Bad problem! Help?!

    maybe bugs check under like everyone else is saying
  9. WhiteWiddow


    you got yoda angry:cuss:
  10. WhiteWiddow


    if the bacteria is bad you could possibly kill someone but if its worth the money to you go for it...
  11. WhiteWiddow

    I need help peoples! Bad problem! Help?!

    looks kinda droopy too possibly over watered...that wouldn't explain the yellowing. was the mother nute burned at all when you took the cut?
  12. WhiteWiddow

    Please help!!

    sounds like there just stunted from nutes i would say give them regular ph'd water till you see some healthy growth and then ween them on the nutes again +rep if i helped...
  13. WhiteWiddow


    im sorry for your loss but the only thing that i know of to do is to harvest cut all the mold off and dry and cure watch for the bacteria to develope durring drying and keep the humidity within range
  14. WhiteWiddow

    can you guys just tell me to make sure if its a female.

    cant be so sure just yet give it a weeek or two and you can be positive it kida looks (to me) like it is getting some light at night. make sure your dark period is PITCH BLACK
  15. WhiteWiddow

    which would u choose to grow please++rep!

    i would go wit that or even the LA Confidential looks so nice
  16. WhiteWiddow

    Day6 - yellow tipped leaves, looking withered. PICS INCLUDED, Rep offered.

    that may be too mush idk what your using? have you checked the ph of the water mine did somethin like this in the beginning of my grow and it turned out to be ph was too high
  17. WhiteWiddow

    This just makes me so angry... above the influence

    i think its great its realy the only thing they have for the cons of smoking. if you have seen The Union, above the influence dont mean shit
  18. WhiteWiddow

    What's a proper insurance settlement for whiplash?

    honestly i dont think you deserve anything...its called an accident for a reason i think you should just be happy something didnt seriously go wrong...if there were no medicle bills ant the auto damage is covered, then you are just greedy my friend and karma is on his way
  19. WhiteWiddow

    did my fan just fuck my plants

    well put... the one on the canopy to strenghthen new growth on top and in the beginning the one on bottem will strengthen the main stem after thants strong enough you can aim it towards the branches on bottem
  20. WhiteWiddow

    size of water pump?

    dont forget to give me rep if i helped