well you claimed to have this huge list on obama and didn't want to waste your day typing..........and thats your top one? im just saying its kinda weak.
that fucking opening riff is a face melter. use my third arm is in my top 5 pantera songs ever so...... this release was the best thing thats happened to me in at least 2 years lol.
feds won't move in on CT. your going to have to be on your fucking death bed to get medical mj. CT will turn into the "this is how it should be state." totally controlled with an iron fist.
obama's true politician comes out when it comes to the drug war. he's a sly bitch. well not really lol, he's just a politician about it. i honestly truly feel like he knows marijuana laws are bullshit and stupid. the guy was a fukin stoner. why he plays the game, i don't know.........