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  1. Bargar

    Molasses, calorie question.

    It makes sense to me, but I had to ask, does the calorie count of a molasses mean its higher in... Well, nutritional value? I am comparing two that I have and I can't decide, do my babies want the mixture with 10 more calories per tbsp? I am comparing Grandma's and Roddenbery's.
  2. Bargar

    Pot Size for 3ft tall plants?

    The Riddler strikes again! Thanks :)
  3. Bargar

    Pot Size for 3ft tall plants?

    I hear one Gallon per foot of height, and I just talked with someone who grew Jilly bean recently, and they said 2-3ft tall is all I should expect without topping. I have them currently in 3gal pots, and I was wondering if there was a major benefit in quality/quantity from upgrading them to 5gal...
  4. Bargar

    LST, what to use as a base tie down!

    Man... K.I.S.S ....... Thanks I feel stupid now lol. Thanks again Riddleme!
  5. Bargar

    riddleme, darkdestruction420, FDD and other heavyweights on New. central, we got ???

    lol I will take this test later today when I have more time, but I am NOT an indoor expert so i dunno if it will help or hurt.
  6. Bargar

    LST, what to use as a base tie down!

    Ok, so i got some fancy soft fishing line for my LST, which i will start in a week or so. My question is what are people using at the base level, to attach the strings to? Outdoors I used screws on raised beds constructed of wood. Indoors I am using plastic pots and with their lack of thickness...
  7. Bargar

    it doesn't matter until it effects you

    MY 2 cents... First, why the hell should we drill deep in the ocean if we (man and our machines) can not get down there to handle these situations? the USA is doing away with NASA soon, why not focus on deep water exploration, before the exploitation? Second, things like this, or the spill...
  8. Bargar

    riddleme, darkdestruction420, FDD and other heavyweights on New. central, we got ???

    Your best tip/philosophy on growing? Try and Mimic god's grow room, he/she/it set it up perfectly. Yeah, I said god /gasp
  9. Bargar

    6 day old seedling, when to nute?

    OH! you did jillybean eh? What kind of height should I expect out of these plants? And how does this particular strain respond to topping? Thanks all for the info... I may still go against the common knowledge and give them lite organic nutes. After all, my head is as hard as a rock, and I am...
  10. Bargar

    6 day old seedling, when to nute?

    Hey all, I have 8 jilly bean seedlings, and i was wondering when i should start my veg nutes. I am going 100% organic (Half my nutes are certified, the other half I made) and I was wondering when would be a safe time to start feeding them? I have used blacstrap molasses for their first...
  11. Bargar

    dry petfood mixed in with soil?

    By the way I use the same kind of dog food for my dog, and correct me if im wrong, its holistic? If you are going to try it I would try it with this dog food! But also I would grind it and compost it. I bet $1 nobody would try it in a side by side test though.
  12. Bargar

    HELP! I stink at utilizing my space!!! pics, what did i do wrong?

    The new picture is with it in the middle, I scraped the idea of a 2 light system in here since I cant afford a dual cool tube yet. I looked at insulated ducting, but price was a factor yet again. As for the walls, I painted them today, but I didn't have time to blow the titanium dioxide on the...
  13. Bargar

    Lighting and Vegetative Growth

    I like the questions you have posted! I myself was trying to figure out what to use this past week for veg. I started with a 1000W MH and oh lord the heat! Day 2 I swapped to T5's, but felt like I was shafting myself since a florescent is still a florescent. After a bit of reading I decided on a...
  14. Bargar

    HELP! I stink at utilizing my space!!! pics, what did i do wrong?

    Well after a run to the hardware store I now have 6inch ducting!!!! BUT I still run into a problem with a carbon filter, since mine has a 4inch fitting. I see plenty of DIY Carbon filters on this, and many other forums, but do they REALLY compare to a store bought Filter? Also, when the light...
  15. Bargar

    HELP! I stink at utilizing my space!!! pics, what did i do wrong?

    One last question, my carbon filter is a Can about 2 ft long, with a 4inch male end for ducting. What should I ecpect when my 6 inch system hits the 4 inch mark? I can not afford a 6 inch filter atm, otherwise I would! And thanks! I will see what I can manage with a hand saw :)
  16. Bargar

    Hey man, I was looking for advise on Jilly bean. It will be my first indoor grow, and I have the...

    Hey man, I was looking for advise on Jilly bean. It will be my first indoor grow, and I have the seed started now. What method of topping do I use (Growing in a 2x4x7 space) considering I have T5 side lights and a CMH400w (veg) and a HPS1000w. What should I expect? Look out for? any advice at...
  17. Bargar

    HELP! I stink at utilizing my space!!! pics, what did i do wrong?

    Well, I have a reflector in the mail for this cool tube, so that wont be much of an issue. I have that 4inch hole, so your saying I need at LEAST a 6inch vent up top? I think since the inline fan and reflector I'm using are 6 inch, it would make things easier, as a one size fits all thing. I...
  18. Bargar

    HELP! I stink at utilizing my space!!! pics, what did i do wrong?

    BUMP! I am thinking remove the cool tube and go with sunargro, only problem is it has a 4 inch vent, and with glass I don't know if i vent it or not! Any info would help!
  19. Bargar

    HELP! I stink at utilizing my space!!! pics, what did i do wrong?

    Ok, I have a 2x4x7 closet, I am using a 400W CMH currently, and even though my fan is next to the wall almost (And suspended by picture hanging wire, as i have not went to the hardware store for the proper screws/nuts). I hung the light on the right side because I thought I could also fit a...
  20. Bargar

    Attic Exhaust

    So long as you have a decent fan to push the air out, and through your carbon filter it should be fine. Unless the hot temperatures of the attic stop the heated exhaust... which I doubt. Then again, i'm a newbie. I NEVER had the balls to grow when I paid rent >_<