Search results

  1. Wolfhound

    A REAL commitment to change the 25-mile rule

    Doesn't matter what politics are on the card - They will have to use the law, not the politics if you ever do have a problem. It would be nice to organize a "call in" to POISON CONTROL to ask as much as we can about mmj. I bet they have no ideas about pot since it IS NOT a poison ! As adults we...
  2. Wolfhound

    This state is messed up

    We can only hope & pray that Joe stays. Now that obumma has allowed illegal mexicans to come across in droves & break laws that would get us arrested but let them go free there are very few looking out for the rights of Americans. I have a hard time with folks that dont remember what it was like...
  3. Wolfhound

    This state is messed up

    I live here by choice & would find another state if I felt there was a better one. Politics are a dirty game everywhere but our state laws are waaay better than most. BTW did you guys know Evan meacham was found not guilty of the things He was impeached for ?
  4. Wolfhound

    Brewer padding the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board?

    Politicians have always appointed people with beliefs similar to their own. No news there for most of us.
  5. Wolfhound

    This state is messed up

    I will always vote for an honest sherrif. At least I know where I stand with his no b.s. approach. The people have spoken & reelected Joe with little resistance many times. The majority is by far more than a few that have moved here over the years with grey hair. All states are loaded with...
  6. Wolfhound

    This state is messed up

    Enjoy your loss, I mean Kaliforn I A , if mmj is how you measure freedom. I have not heard of one person in AZ who has gone without mmj that has a SERIOUS critical need. At least in AZ most growers I have met really do/ would give to those that truly need & cannot afford. AZ MMJ is only one...
  7. Wolfhound

    This state is messed up

    Yes, the voter rights are being carried out, awesome, eh ? A bit of dragging & kicking but . . . At least AZ has rights most other states only dream about.
  8. Wolfhound

    This state is messed up

    You mean a possible delay in dispensary openings ? Very sad indeed (NOT!) but certainly not unexpected. Just a waiting game until the moves are made by the powers to be. I can be very patient at this moment in time just the way things are . . .
  9. Wolfhound

    DP Strawberry Cough HARVEST

    But how long to smoke up that one plant and how long for another to take it's place ? I'd be wating an awful lot for smoke . . . Very nice plant btw !
  10. Wolfhound

    Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?

    Yes, that was in the decision but read on & understand what the Supreme Court said in their opinion(s) on the ruling towards the right to possibly rule in the future on other questions towards the ammendment. Supreme Court Judge Scolia (sp) recently repeated in an on camera interview . . . I...
  11. Wolfhound

    Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?

    Sorry, you may be right in theory but our law is defined by Supreme Court Decisions. You just cannot let a mentally insane killer keep getting guns even though their right is infringed...
  12. Wolfhound

    Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?

    Out & Out Lie ! Where did you get that figure ? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off base buddy.
  13. Wolfhound

    Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?

    Why YES it is ! Thanks for asking ! Check into the Supreme Court opinions . . . I'm guessing you have to be a non felon to protect others in society. They cannot carry ANY deadly weapons, that's the law in America as well if I'm not mistaken.
  14. Wolfhound

    Time To Get Rid of Concealed Carry Bans?

    Concealed carry is a Constitutional right in Arizona . . . No need for a permit you just have to be a non felon law abiding citizen. Did I mention I love my state !
  15. Wolfhound

    Flowering: 50 small plants or 18 Large?

    cut the big ones near in half & make a ring of colas. I got 5 oz off each ww/kk that one time at band camp...
  16. Wolfhound

    Some OG Hazy by Beaver

    Looking excellent as usual Beav ! I have a humidifier with thermostat on it that I use for several day curing.
  17. Wolfhound

    Hey old many over 50 yrs?

    I remember the columbian red in the early '70s ! moved here in 1972. My first smoke was from a wooden matchbox worth, 1967ish, Oklahoma. Im 62 . . .
  18. Wolfhound

    Puff and Listen Thread.

    where's my walker, need to get out of my rockin' chair, time for a hot tea & bed . . . head over to Blue Jay Way
  19. Wolfhound

    BaCk @ iT ^^. Nubs second grow.

    Awesome nice variety ! Disneyland Hotel 4 days next week fer us !