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  1. Illegal Smile

    You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

    If your conscience tells you to sit this election out, then by all means do so. But don't try to say it is anything other than sitting it out.
  2. Illegal Smile

    New guy with some questions.

    Anyone can say they did though, right?
  3. Illegal Smile

    New guy with some questions.

    To answer the unanswered question - you want to prevent stretching because it will lead to a very tall and lanky plant with too much distance between bud sites. Not only might you not have vertical space for it, but it is very hard to keep it properly illuminated and it will produce a poor...
  4. Illegal Smile

    You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

    It is a non-refutable fact that as far as participating in the selection of the next president, you are sitting it out. If you don't vote for one of the two, you are having zero impact on this election. You might think your rebellion will help change the system in the future, but for this...
  5. Illegal Smile


    Leave dark till sprouts are an inch tall. Then begin light (maybe the cfl) and when you see green, begin serious veg lighting (I use MH)
  6. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    I got somethin' right here you can taste!
  7. Illegal Smile

    Videos of ballots given out for dead people in Vermont!
  8. Illegal Smile

    You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

    There will be only two names on the ballot that can win. So if you don't vote for one of them, you are sitting it out. You might think you are making a statement, and you may be. But in terms of electing the next president, you are sitting it out.
  9. Illegal Smile

    Comparison of grow methods for small room

    I have a 400 with digital ballast that allows it to run at 250 also. I veg with 250 MH and flower with 400 hps. I start the light when the sprouts are an inch tall at 18-20 inches, then when they show green, down to 12 - 14 inches. OK, I gotta add something. I could never grow anything in my...
  10. Illegal Smile

    !ST Grow...Comments,complaints,advise??

    Forget that! There are plenty here giving out bad advice (and for all you know, I'm one of them). Take all advice with a grain of salt and weigh it. I'm not a soil grower so I won't comment further than that. Good luck, your plants look great.
  11. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    you mad bro? I don't think a newbie has to measure anything other than how much of what he adds to the water, and the air temperature. In fact, I know that to be true.
  12. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    You're right, it is a paradox and there is plenty of hypocrisy to go around. But that still doesn't answer: What should we do about that? and: What will voters tolerate? I don't think there is support for public money paying for heart transplants and heroic measures for the aged who can't...
  13. Illegal Smile

    You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

    That's easy to say now. That's why I call it dating and not marrying. This happens every election. Fringe candidates have followers who swear it is their candidate or no-one. I remember so many dem women saying they would not vote for Obama because they felt he had cheated Hillary out of the...
  14. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    I think there are two points of view, that of the grower growing for personal use only vs that of the grower who wants a disposable (as in disposable income) yield. If I were the latter I guess I would be bending over backwards and making it a vocation. But I'm the former, to me it's just a...
  15. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    Do you think if the public really understood that half of it is for people in the last year of life, they would support the costs?
  16. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    Now even Harry Bellefonte says Obama doesn't deserve a second term and that he lacks a moral compass.
  17. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    I can send you some pics of large harvests, they'll come in handy later, Master!
  18. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    Now I remember why I'm not following this thread.
  19. Illegal Smile

    Advice For First Grow

    Your problem will be heat. I only do 2 grows a year in winter for that reason. Ask yourself if you can really grow year around. If so you can't really do more than 3 grows a year from seed to harvest. But my grow space is a little smaller than yours and I get 12 oz a grow for two grows which is...
  20. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    I'm not following this thread but for the record, I grow in DWC and do not use a meter, seldom if ever change the res water, throw food at them like they were pigeons, and go the whole grow without adjusting pH once, and I never check water temps. For chrissake's people, they're weeds! ps I...