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  1. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    50% of all healthcare expenditures in the US are for people in the last year of life. What are we to make of that?
  2. Illegal Smile

    You guys are dating Ron Paul.....

    but you'll marry Mitt. How long will it take this forum to come to its senses so we can talk about Romney vs Obama?
  3. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    A year from now, Ron Paul will be the answer to a trivia question.
  4. Illegal Smile

    Drying? "Curing"? WTF??

    I use a vape and I wouldn't think of not curing. I never even try a harvest until it has cured at least 30 days. It is about more than taste - it gets better. Look, most of the weed in the market was not cured because it is high volume commercial and it was just dried. It is the home grower who...
  5. Illegal Smile

    predictions and repercussions of tomorrow nights primary?

    How about posting those numbers and their source.
  6. Illegal Smile

    Vote For Romney "The King of Bain"

    Churches are people, do they vote? Political parties are people, do they vote? Unions are people, do they vote?
  7. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I see jobs going unfilled and I hear that the main reason the applicants aren't hired is that they can't pass a drug test.
  8. Illegal Smile

    Vote For Romney "The King of Bain"

    I can't stop laughing. Stupidest thing I've ever seen posted, and that is saying something!
  9. Illegal Smile

    predictions and repercussions of tomorrow nights primary?

    "They" are the Obama machine and this is not about the republican primaries. "They" knew going in who the nominee would be. But any story that can be pumped up takes oxygen away (temporarily) from focus on Obama and his miserable failure. But once this process is over, the spotlight turns on...
  10. Illegal Smile

    Ron Paul to endorse Romney

    You know he will. Once Romney wins the nomination, Ron Paul will be on the stage holding Romney's hand up in victory and pledging his support. If you truly believe in Ron Paul now, you will be following him then.
  11. Illegal Smile

    Vote For Romney "The King of Bain"

    I'd like to hear an explanation of what corporations are, AFTER you subtract all the people.
  12. Illegal Smile

    predictions and repercussions of tomorrow nights primary?

    I think many of you are failing to see a stark reality - in the end, this WILL be a referendum on Obama. No matter how hard they try to deflect focus onto the republican nominee, it is Obama who has the record to defend.
  13. Illegal Smile

    predictions and repercussions of tomorrow nights primary?

    Romney wins by double digits. Santorum is second. Paul and Gingrich nearly tied at third. Huntsman drops out later in the week. Romney is not my choice, but I think he is probably unstoppable now.
  14. Illegal Smile

    PH Drift....why?

    I called them once and got a long explanation that was over my head. The bottom line was that not only do they buffer, but they also are much more forgiving about pH than other nutes. The issue is not pH per se, but that pH too high or too low affects nutrient uptake ability. maybe some nutes...
  15. Illegal Smile

    why vote for

    It means he's an asshat.
  16. Illegal Smile

    Three Choices

    Vote for Obama Vote for Romney Put your head in the sand I'm frankly torn, the sand looks inviting. But I can't not vote, and voting for a third party is like not voting. I also can't vote for Obama for obvious reasons. So there ya go.
  17. Illegal Smile

    Vote For Romney "The King of Bain"

    Whenever liberals bring up Bain Capital, there is a simple two word answer to shut them up" Tim Geithner
  18. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    The exception proves the rule. The fact remains, it is stupid to criticize the quality of medicine in the US. The cost? the access? the efficiency? Go right ahead.
  19. Illegal Smile

    Security: Erasing Meta Data from Photos

    Good post, it should be a sticky.
  20. Illegal Smile

    Do I need to move lights a little further away?

    Bad idea. cfls never give you enough light anyway so they need to be as close as possible. I'd say there is another reason why your plant isn't growing.