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  1. Illegal Smile

    Bonana kush or Banana kush?

    Like Northern Lights which Nirvana persists in calling Northern Light. Has the aurora borealis been reduced to just one "light?"
  2. Illegal Smile


    The foolish affection for Ron Paul in this forum gives pot smokers everywhere a bad name.
  3. Illegal Smile

    why vote for

    Ron Paul is a dangerous isolationist. Besides, never trust anyone with two first names.
  4. Illegal Smile

    Is Ron Paul an Isolationist?

    Ron Paul has no concept at all of 21st century geopolitics. He has no sense of how globalization is unfolding and America's role in it. He is an old man whose time came and went decades ago. He's not a serious candidate, he is just a distraction.
  5. Illegal Smile

    why vote for

    The only reason you need to vote for any candidate is that he's NOT Obama.
  6. Illegal Smile

    Newbie, question on flowering

    It's strain dependent. I've flowered plants at 6 inches and had them grow to over 4 ft.
  7. Illegal Smile

    Listen up Hydro Newbies . . .

    The problem started with "Listen Up." If you're new to this you don't make a post gathering everyone to your feet to hear your wisdom. You might post this is what I'm doing, how about you? The OP is just stuff out of any book. Now he is claiming a 2 lb + harvest for this newbie. It just strains...
  8. Illegal Smile

    PH Drift....why?

    I think if you're using the right nutes you will have no pH problem. I use Humboldt Master A&B. I never worry about pH from 5.5 - 7.0. In fact I seldom check it anymore. It's been over a year since I saw a need to adjust it.
  9. Illegal Smile

    northern lights auto it it ready yet?

    I grow NL exclusively, but not the autos. I wouldn't bother looking for amber trichs at all. Take samples from a couple places on each plant, and look them over and estimate an average % cloudy. When that's over 75% go ahead and harvest. By the way, how many weeks from when you first saw green...
  10. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    You won't get a chance to vote for Ron Paul unless you live in a state with an early primary. And he doesn't have a prayer of winning any of those. So what's the point, seriously?
  11. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    Where do VIPs from all over the world go when they need serious medical treatment? To the US - end of story.
  12. Illegal Smile

    Newbie Question - Ordering Seeds to be mailed to post office box??

    There's no reason not to sign for it. If you're reasonable you know that if they find seeds they just keep them and send you a form letter. If you are unreasonable and want to be paranoid, ask yourself what difference signing makes? If "they" wanted to "get" you, they would just wait for you to...
  13. Illegal Smile

    First Time Flowering

    That's just not enough light.
  14. Illegal Smile

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    I don't understand why anyone is wasting their time even giving a thought to Ron Paul. He has no bearing at all on the actual selection of a nominee, and he will not run as an independent. He has the political significance in 2012 of Grover Cleveland.
  15. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    That was the point of the original post, and after eight pages I still haven't see a reason given. No-one is talking about Obama's plan to reduce spending (he doesn't have one). The fact is = Obama is borrowing money from China to pay people not to work and thereby buy their votes. I'm ready to...
  16. Illegal Smile

    +Rep for any Answers! Trichs Question(no pics needed)

    If you have predominately cloudy trichs, I guarantee you there are plenty of amber ones even though you may not have located them yet. You could give it another week, but I don't think I would.
  17. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    And another thing, If Obama is re-elected, we are going to see the most extreme gridlock in history. Even though he campaigned on harmony and bi-partisanship, he refuses to work with republicans. In fact, his campaign strategy seems to be: Republicans are impossible to work with, so re-elect me...
  18. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I don't believe that's true. When a guy on the outside criticizes everything the way Obama did, and vows that he will take us to the promised land, but then he takes office and realizes that he didn't have a clue and things are far more complex than he imagined - SORRY - that guy has a lot of...
  19. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I don't believe he really thinks that. It's just politics. There are simply much bigger issues.
  20. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I'm worried he wants to be the Supreme Commander of all of us.