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  1. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I'm still leaning toward giving Romney a chance. I we give him half the benefit of the doubt that we gave Obama, he's in.
  2. Illegal Smile

    ballast help

    I don't know about your ballast but I bought an electronic ballast so it would dimmable (400 or 250) and I could run an MH bulb in it. Worth the price for those features IMO.
  3. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    We might be better off in some ways to go back a century. I think states do have more rights than Obama wants to give them with his attack on AZ for wqanting to protect their own borders. It's pur hyperbole to suggest that anyone wants states free to deny anyone's constitutional rights.
  4. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    Why should I vote based on anything other than whether or not I am better off than I was four years ago?
  5. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I dunno. I decided to give Obama a chance. He's had his turn at bat. Why shouldn't I give Romney a chance? He has a much better resume. Because he is too rich? Some of our best presidents have been rich. And by the way, Obama has been pretty much a pampered debutante his whole life, too.
  6. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I hear that most often as a reason to vote against him. Obamacare is not at all popular. If you ask people about certain aspects like pre-existing conditions, they'll respond favorably. But I don't think Obama can make Obamacare into a positive message for his re-election. His plan seems to have...
  7. Illegal Smile

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    I'll even stipulate that the republicans are not really coming to grips with the issues either, so I don't even expect a huge improvement from them. I just mean - I'm not better off than I was four years ago, I think Obama mislead me, and I don't see what he is going to do in another four years...
  8. Illegal Smile

    do they grow much higher?

    Plan for four feet now while you can. Make any changes to the grow area before it becomes a jungle.
  9. Illegal Smile

    Hydroponics Question

    If your question is once is it is the wool, does it stay in? The answer is yes. I find the little rapid rooter plugs are the best.
  10. Illegal Smile

    Rehydrateing Buds?

    I put a pievce of paper towel the size of a business card, very damp but not dripping wet, in a quart jar of loosely packed buds overnight. Check and repeat if needed. Has no effect on anything just brings back the dankiness.
  11. Illegal Smile

    Temperature control for just started seedlings

    I have my grow area pretty well dialed in for temp control, at least I did. I just started a new grow and set germinated seeds in the hydro system. But overnight the small heater's thermostat seem to have taken a poop because it was allowing temp to rise to 86 before shutting off, then allowing...
  12. Illegal Smile

    Temp ranges for just started germinated seeds

    The heater does have a thermostat and it used to work, I need a new one. The seeds were germinated in paper towels and then transferred to the system 24 hrs ago. They havent started coming up yet. I usually try to keep temps at this stage in the upper 70s, so I'm hoping the extremes at 68 and 86...
  13. Illegal Smile

    Temp ranges for just started germinated seeds

    I start my germinated seeds in rapid rooters in a dwc system in a closet with a small heater to keep temps up. I shoot for temps in the high 70s but I may need a new heater because it is allowing temps to fluctuate from 68 to 86. I'm working to rectify that, but I don't think that either of...
  14. Illegal Smile

    100% Germinating Success!!!!!

    Germination success depends largely on the seeds. I have germinated 10 of 10 femininized Nothern Lights seeds from Nirvana the last three times. I credit that to the genetic stability of this old strain. I soak them in water for 12 - 18 hours, then put them in damp paper towels between two...
  15. Illegal Smile

    i found my first amber trichome

    I wouldn't even worry about the amber ones until you start seeing a lot. Focus instead on the clear to cloudy ratio.
  16. Illegal Smile

    The tiny holes in netpots vs big roots

    I use plastic netpots in a dwc system. I've wondered whether the little holes in the bottom allow roots to grow down as well as they might. I was wondering if anyone had tried opening them up a little, maybe cutting a 1/4 inch open hole in the bottom?
  17. Illegal Smile

    Trimming vs lollipopping - what's the deal?

    Thanks all! Do you all agree that 3 weeks into 12/12 is the right time to trim the bottom 1/3? Does it matter how long they veg'd first?
  18. Illegal Smile

    If you were growing 6 plants under 400w hps.........

    This raises another question - how much space yould you cover with a 400w hps? Mine is about 2.5 ft square. With 6 plants I would grow them to somewhere between 3 and 4 feet at maturity. Northern Lights doesn't get much taller anyway. 6 plants that size in that space would crowd each other, but...
  19. Illegal Smile

    If you were growing 6 plants under 400w hps.........

    In DWC (northern lights), what do you think is reasonable in terms of dry bud yield? I ask because I am new to hps lighting. I've heard .5oz - 1.0 oz per plant, but that seems low to me. I've also heard 3-4 oz per plant, which seems high. I use good nutes and do things conscientiously, what...
  20. Illegal Smile

    Trimming vs lollipopping - what's the deal?

    Some say don't trim any lower branches or fan leaves. others lollipop which seems the extreme form of trimming. Who is an advocate of one or the other, and how do you go about it? Isn't there anything in between?