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  1. C.Indica

    Prune for no Stress/Weak Growth!

    Thought I'd throw up this timeline, days 0, 13, 17, 19, 28, 37, 40, 44. Definately not my best grow, but certainly pretty.
  2. C.Indica

    2x2x5 Grow Lab - Reserva Privada Headband ... [ 100w T5 veg / 250w HPS flower ]

    Been brainstorming in the back of my head for a while, can you rotate the light like 10*-30*?
  3. C.Indica

    -Bottle Grows-

    Try a clone, instead of seedlings. This way you can force flower it @ a low height. I flowered a 2" clone. I thought adding Nitrogen during the stretch phase kept them shorter? I'm done plucking early nugs, it doesn't taste good, barely gets my high, lowers yield, and stresses the plants.
  4. C.Indica

    Club T5

    Things with the T5 are great. Later on down the road when I get an HID going, this will become my Mother/Clone/Veg light. Got my Christmas Tree cooking right now; She'll be @ Day 59 on christmas. I think I'll chop her on day 62 due to holiday plans. Here's the first batch of official Lemon...
  5. C.Indica

    So you 'Juana Cut Corners, eh? Simple Comparison Grow in Progress...

    Those true leaves seem super "bright" Are they getting enough Nitrogen in their diet? Is the pH allowing them to process it? I'm not a hydro guy. But my seedling @ the same age has dark true leaves. Just my $0.02
  6. C.Indica

    Get your bullshit out of my thread.

    Get your bullshit out of my thread.
  7. C.Indica

    2x2x5 Grow Lab - Reserva Privada Headband ... [ 100w T5 veg / 250w HPS flower ]

    Yo I started up a T5 Club since it doesn't exist yet.
  8. C.Indica

    -Bottle Grows-

    Those are some tall ass plants in some small ass bottles. My soda bottle girl isn't even 9". But yours will easily outyield me. Especially with the HID.
  9. C.Indica

    AK47 from seed, Hunt for a Trophy.

    Day 5 from Seed; AK47 The other 2 seeds that germinated lost their taproot to overwatering I believe. So we're down to one AK47 seedling for now. It's cool, I didn't really have enough lights to grow out several right now. Hope for a female. Thanks for the link, glad to hear yours has...
  10. C.Indica

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    3/4 germed, 1/4 took off, 1/4 Rotted, 1/4 just sat there (probably rotting as we speak) I haven't given up on the last one, it would be #2. I've got like 20 AK47 seeds to run through, looking for a killer pheno. So no big deal. But that's 3 potential killers down so far! Wait, so was Boom...
  11. C.Indica

    Coffee Can Growers

    Man I don't buy any of that shitty coffee.. Don't know where I'll get a folgers can that size. Bahh.
  12. C.Indica

    -Bottle Grows-

    Just let the leaves chill. Once about 70% of the leaf is completely faded/dying and no longer green, it's safe to chop to allow light to lower buds. Or at least cut out the dying part. But if it's just missing a "stripe" of green, let it keep working as a solar panel.
  13. C.Indica

    Club T5

    I just got my T5 hung up in my cabinet, I decided to not use the rollers, and just hand the metal V hooks directly to the J hooks. Right now all I have is one skinny vertical plant, so most of the light spread is being wasted.. Eventually I plan on keeping a perpetual going. I've got 4...
  14. C.Indica

    Lemon Skunk; A Bonsai Mother.

    The big girl I flowered out recently started bananas on Day 49. We'll see what happens. I've got one on day 39 in my Pruning link.
  15. C.Indica

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    Bro one of the seeds rotted after germination, and the other is taking it's jolly sweet time. At this point, AK47#1 is lightyears ahead of the other, so I'll probably only keep #1.
  16. C.Indica

    Club T5

    This thread is for all T5 users to share their knowledge, problems, and Cannaporn:leaf: There seems to be plenty of T5 growers on the site, but no real organized knowledge base. There is plenty of potential in the lights, let's see your methods, and of course results! So welcome to the...
  17. C.Indica

    -Bottle Grows-

    Thanks! I know it's not HID, but this T5/Cabinet will become my Mother/Veg/Clone cabinet once I do get a HID going. So it was a great purchase in my opinion. Unfortunately I didn't get the time to set it up today before lights out, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow evening.
  18. C.Indica

    Need Help! Determine What I am as I Grow Up?

    Other options include what the hell pollinated the girls that got shipped to you with seeds in em. Could be half hemp, half CG. Also seeds will almost never represent fully the female parent, unless it's a very inworked line. What's the report?
  19. C.Indica

    -Bottle Grows-

    Yo HL, I've got great news! I went and picked up a T5 for my small cabinet, now I can go from one bottle clone to many without worrying about lighting!! I took 4 clones yesterday, They'll all go in together to join Alpha. If they root, it's probably going to take them at least 14 days...
  20. C.Indica

    Coffee Can Growers

    Small delay on the Coffee Can for me. I went to the store earlier and managed to get a few 3" netpots as a freebie, but I think I either left them at the store, or in the car. Either way I don't have a Folgers can at the minute, but I'll be able to get this going quite soon hopefully:leaf: