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  1. digitalliquid

    Texas Growers Unite!

    i can also say that the bad ass reggie was going around , i had 2 diffrent kinds , one was that lime green shit that you couldnt hide the smell , and the other was some shit that looked like it was BARELY EVEN BRICKED and looked and smoked like dro ! i swear me and a friend smoked a couple of...
  2. digitalliquid

    Cheap FULLY Automated Growroom this might help some people
  3. digitalliquid

    Do cool tubes reduce light output...?

    "Somebody here with a very short name (forgot) did some tests on reflectors, both bare and glass covered, and I think found that the lumen reduction isn't too significant (300-400 lumens less, etc). But you probably get back more lumens since you can play the plants much closer. Also, DIY cool...
  4. digitalliquid

    twitter your garden interesting read. all in all looks like it will cost about 200$ to get everything set up. will require soldering and programing. all very beginner level and walked through in the guides. just thought i would share.
  5. digitalliquid

    LED Growing?

    Christmas lights arent the right nm of the colors needed , so in effect they will have little to no effect on the plant , unless you get some that happen to have some colors near the right nm
  6. digitalliquid

    sand? C.C magazine

    i just recently started using sand and love it. i started using because of nats , but i like the fealing of knowing its less i have to worry about , and the plants dont seem to mind especially sence sand reflects the light. i just scoop the sand to the side , water and put it back.
  7. digitalliquid

    whats a good fan size

    should be , if not add a booster to the end.
  8. digitalliquid

    keeping aerogarden full

    i also use an AG but am building my bubbleponics system , its so damn anoying having to fill up the areogarden every day
  9. digitalliquid

    Cooling My grow roommm NEEEDD HELP!!

    dude honestly my local hydro shop sold me 2 cooltubes for 60$ each. they are super cheep. let me ask you some questions though , did you have your reader right under the light? if so your getting false readings. also do you have any fresh airflow into the area/room? like a window or air from...
  10. digitalliquid

    can fan to loud..

    also if its still to much noise think about insulating the fan istelf or get some cardboard wooden egg craits and make a box around it. the intake makes the most noise.
  11. digitalliquid

    ABR-1™ ultra high performance photon emitter system

    man this thread is full of fail , it should just be locked and ban this attention whore. obvious troll Troll - In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room...
  12. digitalliquid

    Wasps !

    if its these guys , they are yellowjackets , and man do they hurt when they sting. if you dont want to hurt your garden you could always make the soapy water and spray the nest. i used some insecticide that would destroy there wings and slowly kill them, i found this works best so that after...
  13. digitalliquid

    New Website

    i think of it as a forum , like the ones the romans had. people come and go , many asking the same questions of whatever is relevant to the forum you are at. but there are many that come to learn and share there knowledge and experiences and it makes us all more skilled at our passion.
  14. digitalliquid

    rollitup sort it out pls

    LOL cmon guys you realise your complaining about something you pay nothing for? its not free to hoast a site , and it appears that the last 5 thing was removed because there was a code (and for you people that are computer illiterate: a 'hack') that could redirect you to another website outside...
  15. digitalliquid

    Texas Growers Unite!

    many pics of strains come from us and icmag and a handfull others. it is a problem.
  16. digitalliquid

    Virgin start in a cabinet w/leds

    imo if your bottom leaves arent getting light , cut em. i (personally) would keep the bud ones , just take fans that dont get light. also remember to sterilize your scissors.
  17. digitalliquid

    can fan to loud..

    add some feet of insulated ducting to the end and you would be surprised how much it will help. i would reduce it to atleast 8 by the end.
  18. digitalliquid

    Deleting my pro

    lol doesnt anyone care !? here is a hint , anyone who actually read the article could tell you he didnt get caught because of riu
  19. digitalliquid

    Economics of a Marijuana Grow Operation

    sounds cool , but its been done before. pineapple express anyone?