Search results

  1. digitalliquid

    Clone/Vegg light

    both would work , i personaly like the 4 or 5 row t5 lights because you can put them right ontop of your humidity dome and they dont produce to muc heat, but if you go with the cfls i would go for the 24 watts so you can mix the color spectrums and it seems to me like smaller ones produce less...
  2. digitalliquid

    Final Flush and Molasses

    opinion :leaf:
  3. digitalliquid

    Easy, Moderate, and Hard to grow strains

    im interested in this to because i was going to try to grow bluebarry but was told its a 'hard' strain to grow because of its sensitivity to nutes and ph.
  4. digitalliquid

    Whats the key to sticky bud?

    i hear to try leaving your lights of 24 hrs or more before harvest to promotes 'sticky'ness (resin glands?)
  5. digitalliquid

    aerogarden grow

    your getting ph lock out because your plants are so big and your trying to controlle the ph of a gallon of water , you would have to check it 3 times a day and keep balancing it out. my suggestion is get a plastic tub and cut out for the AG to fit.
  6. digitalliquid

    1st time Areo Garden any help od advice???

    i did this when i first started to and let me tell you right now its good to START seeds but you will NEED to move them to a bigger unit and soon. let me explain that when your vegging it will go ok but while this is happening all your roots are going to get tangled and when you get into the...
  7. digitalliquid

    Deleting my pro

    hey peter !
  8. digitalliquid

    Carbon filter 5 gallon bucket?

    i dont understand what your trying to say , you have active carbon and a bucket and a fan , sooooooooo why not put the active carbon in the bucket and suck the air through the bucket? i think your missing one of the coolest things about DIY , its that you can adapt whatever your doing to your needs.
  9. digitalliquid

    My First PC Grow... CFL

    wont the ph levels be really hard to control with such small amounts of water? i know i had problems with that in an aero garden
  10. digitalliquid

    ?'s About L.E.D's - Better then 400w?

    a good alternative , get you 400 watt and then do another crop , then afterwords get your finances to get a 90 led and then you can really see the diference. i can say however my local hydro shop has those 500$ ones ( not the shitty ufo's that are so inconsistent ) and they also have 2 1,000...
  11. digitalliquid

    Have you ever told or showed a GF that you grow??

    in the end the plants will always give , the same cannot be said for a woman , infact most of the time she is taking away.
  12. digitalliquid

    Micro/PC Growers Thread - A place to exchange pics, knowledge, and advice.

    short answer is no , long answer is i think you need to read a little more on the subject.
  13. digitalliquid

    growcab pro sog planning

    lol @ you trying to get stoners to do your work for you. i built my own cab and i would say i did it half way successfully. believe me your going to make some mistakes and stuff but thats part of learning your stuff.
  14. digitalliquid

    Texas Growers Unite!

    ahhh so many memory's that sweet island stuff is delicious ! had some a couple nights ago.
  15. digitalliquid

    Soundproofing inline fan box (will this overheat my fan?)

    a good question would be if this soundproofing foam is flamable? it would be a disaster if it is , electrical parts next to flamable foam in a box. but none the less i have been thinking of trying this to :P
  16. digitalliquid

    Wtf is up with riu?!

    wow are you serious? its dumb shits like you that start rumors , do you even know anything at all about how websites operate ? probably not but your going to go ahead and throw something out there?
  17. digitalliquid

    Flower 12/12 Question??? Pro's ONLY!!! PLEASE!!

    im no pro but you dont have to be a pro to answer this ;-). either leave on 12/12 or set them to 18/6 for a bit then back to 12/12. but i would just leave them on 12/12 and start LST'ing or put a screen up and start weaving them around. win win situation. also you being on this site is a greater...
  18. digitalliquid

    fox farms as a foilage spray

    i had what i believe was a mag def and used foliar spray with a chem to make it stick and my babys bounced right back.
  19. digitalliquid

    Tiny flowering plant!

    idk if im missing something but if it has bugs going on dont bring it inside unless you want to smoke alot of spiders , mmmmmmmmm
  20. digitalliquid

    Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

    hey man looks great , the only suggestion i have , is that i have been told it works better if you let the seeds germinate in the dark. i usually use a black bowl because it will trap the heat in there and it attracts it. just some stuff i had heard but it looks like its going fine , hope to see...