fox farms as a foilage spray


Well-Known Member
I have looked and can't find an answer to this, sorry if its a dupe. If I run a diluted mix, is it safe to mist the plants with fox farms at every misting (4-5 tim daily)

can I cause a nute burn by over feeding even if it is heavily diluted?


Well-Known Member
I just dont understand why you would mist your plants 4 to 5 times a day.
You must be growing in a desert climate.

Yes, you can cause nute burn. IMO spraying is fine tuning. If I have a problem with one plant in the bunch and want to treat it right away then thats when I spray. Thats pretty much it.

By the way, I think your avatar sucks.

Go fuck your own mom.


Well-Known Member
yea ur lookin to burn it, not only from the nutes but u gotta b carful wit misting the drops act like lil magnifiying glassess on the leaves and ur misting way too much too

Well-Known Member
I quit foliar feeding. it helps growth, but messes with the flavor. i think the residues might stick to the resin glands. foxfarms grow big is NOT organic!!!!!! danger will robinson!


Well-Known Member
I just dont understand why you would mist your plants 4 to 5 times a day.
You must be growing in a desert climate.
It is a very dry climate where they are, I have had trouble with clones because of lack of humidity.. it sucks

By the way, I think your avatar sucks.

Go fuck your own mom.
I find the image of aliens offensive much more than a picture of a stick man doing the pelvic thrust to a word. Aliens they are offensive.


Well-Known Member
yea ur lookin to burn it, not only from the nutes but u gotta b carful wit misting the drops act like lil magnifiying glassess on the leaves and ur misting way too much too
Thats good to know, I hadn't heard about water droplets acting as magnifiers.. don't green houses have misters set to timers going all day long?
thanks for the good info

I quit foliar feeding. it helps growth, but messes with the flavor. i think the residues might stick to the resin glands. foxfarms grow big is NOT organic!!!!!! danger will robinson!

What about early in the grow, before buds or resin glands form? I know it not organic <shakes head> but I am pretty new at this and I am starting out on the short bus and I'll work my way up.
I don't want it messing with the taste though.. and that two people that said that.. :-?


Well-Known Member
If you want taste; perhaps foliar feeding is not for you. I haven't noticed a difference in taste but I prefer my weed's smell and potency. It almost always tastes like smoke to me, regardless. Personally, I like foliar feeding. It has its uses. I feel that a plant with a slight nutrient burn can quickly be cleansed with pure water by being foliar fed. Also a plant showing a type of nutrient deficiency can be quickly corrected by applying a much needed nutrient by a foliar feed. Roots take time to make a difference and every moment your babies are sick they are growing slower. Besides, if you are growing different strains or different sized plants using the same reservoir... some may need more of a nutrient that the others have in abundance. Foliar feeding allows you to play doctor to individual plants. In my opinion foliar feeding is one of the single most useful tools to help a plant grow to its potential.


Well-Known Member
If you want taste; perhaps foliar feeding is not for you. I haven't noticed a difference in taste but I prefer my weed's smell and potency. It almost always tastes like smoke to me, regardless. Personally, I like foliar feeding. It has its uses. I feel that a plant with a slight nutrient burn can quickly be cleansed with pure water by being foliar fed. Also a plant showing a type of nutrient deficiency can be quickly corrected by applying a much needed nutrient by a foliar feed. Roots take time to make a difference and every moment your babies are sick they are growing slower. Besides, if you are growing different strains or different sized plants using the same reservoir... some may need more of a nutrient that the others have in abundance. Foliar feeding allows you to play doctor to individual plants. In my opinion foliar feeding is one of the single most useful tools to help a plant grow to its potential.

I know the foiler feeding is a big no no on this site BUT it is a common practice in horticulture buisness. It has to be that way for a reason, although there are certainly risks and down sides to the practice there has to be some ups too. I agree with the foilage feeding of pure H2O to decrease nute burn and I have seen the effects of a well placed foilage feed with a lacking nute..


Well-Known Member
so i have a newb ? if i water my plant every 2 days or so and feed everyother watering but i mist every morning just that 1 time is that a problem. Just give them a light spay then shake let sit for a few minutes then put back under the lights.


Active Member
i had what i believe was a mag def and used foliar spray with a chem to make it stick and my babys bounced right back.