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  1. I

    the next farmers market ???

    Many others are doing similar things.
  2. I

    the next farmers market ???

    Sure whatever you say. Maybe you and "your boys" will be outside roughing up patients if the go in. How does the opening of a dispensary effect the farmers markets at all legally. Even if cultivation right start to be denied, non cultivating caregivers can still do what they are doing at the...
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    How would you recommend a Dispensary source a quality grower?

    Nothing like pure conjecture.
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    The Dispensary in Glendale

    Any other news from a week ago you wanna share with us? Who won the election? Did those mj props pass?
  5. I

    the next farmers market ???

    Bottom shelf strain bhahaha. Ima get a pound of Reggie and put it out as a fine bottom shelf variety lol. Not directed at any strain.
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    How would you recommend a Dispensary source a quality grower?

    I understand that most business don't operate in the black for at least a year. But if the owners are expecting the growers to take a pay cut for this then why not compensate with an ownership stake in the organization or membership to the board depending upon how the dispensary outfit is...
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    How would you recommend a Dispensary source a quality grower?

    8 years is a good amount of time but I would far from call that person a "vet." One of my partners has been growing for 25 years. If the guy was such a seasoned and successful grower in Cali then why did he come to az for 60k a year? People in this industry talk a lot of shit and the more...
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    How would you recommend a Dispensary source a quality grower?

    Yeah you are totally fucking that guy. 57200 a year before taxes are you kidding? Let's do the math. Let's say someone grew in a spare bedroom and they got a very reasonable and conservative estimate of 3000 a pound. For argument sake we will round up to 60000 for getting to drive the company...
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    the next farmers market ???

    But everyone whom has shown it to me told me it was lol.
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    Growing after Dispensaries are Open

    Failure to notify dhs of change of address within 10 business days is a 150$ fine and all other provisions under the law are upheld ie cardholder rights.
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    The frost show

    What strains?
  12. I

    Puff and Listen Thread.
  13. I

    Growing after Dispensaries are Open

    You guys are going about this all wrong. Why get new patients just move your patients to outside 25 miles of a dispensary for the month they go to renew. Done and done fuck this state.
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    "25 Mile Rule" Null & Void

    An education in anything is key. College teaches higher thinking and critical analysis in a truly effective manner. Some don't need it but I have never seen anyone who went to college who was not better than if they didn't whether they graduated or not or whether their degree got them a job or...
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    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Is that how you get your red oil lol?
  16. I

    If you could only Grow/Smoke 1 strain for the rest of your life....

    It's the name origin. And you don't follow the thread well do you?
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    "25 Mile Rule" Null & Void

    Some people will never get it. College works wonders.
  18. I

    If you could only Grow/Smoke 1 strain for the rest of your life....

    Irukandji jellyfish*(*/ˌɪrəˈkændʒi/*irr-ə-kan-jee) are tiny and extremelyvenomous*jellyfish*that inhabit marine waters of*Australia[1]*and which are able to fire their stingers into their victim, causing symptoms collectively known as*Irukandji syndrome. Its size is...
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    "25 Mile Rule" Null & Void

    We have gotten a clarification on "open dispensary" A voter initiative is one way to change the law but is up to many factors regarding voter turnout, proper campaigning, properly crafting a working and legalinitiative, and plus this would not even be plausible until the interim election in...
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    "25 Mile Rule" Null & Void

    There is not much the governor can or would do about this, but it is a nice gesture.