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  1. tomahawk2406

    Nirvana Overrated?

    not over-rated in the least bit. this shit happens all the time. when the b's won the cup last year you had every new englander was shopping in a tim thomas jersey. its just what happens. when something gets popular people jump on the train. and music is different with age. while you change your...
  2. tomahawk2406

    i say yes, for it to be done here.

    world banking
  3. tomahawk2406

    Favorite Guitarists Of All Time

    DUANE DENNISON from jesus lizard and tomahawk
  4. tomahawk2406

    12 Fatal Flaws of Smart Meters lol
  5. tomahawk2406

    Retro MTV/VH1 Vids i miss my mtv:(
  6. tomahawk2406

    Promises kept By Obama

    anyway.............back on that insane nut job obama who's been making good on his 4 year plan of destroying our nation....................
  7. tomahawk2406

    Perry speech

    deff on something
  8. tomahawk2406

    Screw Greece

    actually one of the restaurant owners is being audited right now.......i guess greeks no matter where they are like to hid things in the books and pretend its not their.
  9. tomahawk2406

    Screw Greece

    they've got about 4 restaurant in my town.......just come to america!!!
  10. tomahawk2406

    If I had the chance to explain libertarians to John Stewart pun intended
  11. tomahawk2406

    If I had the chance to explain libertarians to John Stewart

    well i like my freeway to rather pay taxes, words and talk won't change the system. unless you got a lot of people with guns your a "slave" to the grind..............
  12. tomahawk2406

    If I had the chance to explain libertarians to John Stewart

    minimum was my point. 5%?? ....................**than your alarm clock goes off and you wake up**
  13. tomahawk2406

    ron paul

    i sometimes pray that ron paul is president so when push comes to shove he will fold like they all do. and than i can post a thread about how much a waste all these ron paul threads were. talk........nothing but talk.
  14. tomahawk2406

    ron paul

    its called corporate takeover lol
  15. tomahawk2406

    If I had the chance to explain libertarians to John Stewart

    don't play stupid dude watch the video again come on
  16. tomahawk2406

    ron paul

    i actually see the logic in that. im not seeking out paul as a bad guy for investments in gold.
  17. tomahawk2406

    If I had the chance to explain libertarians to John Stewart

    the guy is saying ignore the weak so they die and go away than everything will be good.
  18. tomahawk2406

    If I had the chance to explain libertarians to John Stewart

    "if we decrease the amount of people who needed help simply by not allowing an inefficient government to make the problem worse we would have more wealth among the 95% with which they could do more good for a much smaller group of people who are in need." tax dollars go further than disaster...
  19. tomahawk2406

    ron paul it was a joke.....................i think, maybe not
  20. tomahawk2406

    ron paul