exactly free markets prey on people. free market ideas can work, but only to a certain degree. but i guess your making my point..........we had to bailout big business because we allowed them to prey on people. we all know money doesn't grow on trees and bailouts that can equal billions are...
some bubba kush started from seed. they came off of a bubba kush feminized seed that went hermie. i've grown 3 of the seeds and the genetics are actually pretty good.i still get some seeds in the grow but the bud has been excellent. the cat is absolutely in love with this tent lol.
by the time you "get the criminals" its too late. the damage has been done. stop it before it happens. big business must be regulated. we spent too much time as a country de-regulating when things were "good."
what i ment was a "free-er market" the insurance companies and banks we bitch and moan about have enjoyed much free-er economic law since the 80's. we spent the 30's making regulation on big free businesses after a huge collapse. the money that keeps this country moving goes through more hands...
your description of world economics is so vague i feel you don't get economics at all. dude their not throwing money at random countries because they want to piss off ron paul supporters.
please delete your thomas jefferson, andrew jackson, george washington sig quotes because.......believe it or not.............its 2011. i know i know, its fucking crazy. but its true.
as much as i'd love to bash the businesses and say fuck them blah blah blah what about me..........ill bite the bullet and say stick the costs to me. I'd rather have the consumer make adjustments than the business who in turn would feel betrayed and possibly take it out on the consumer themselves.
that goes to show how hard it is to really start something in this country thats just fresh. i swear a rage against the machine concert back in 94 was the purest thing to to revolution america had.