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  1. dirrtyd

    NorCal Grower Question????

    If you dont want your clones to flower wait until the waxing moon in May which will be the week of the 12th and the 19th this year. I'm going to buy a clone from harborside during that time frame and set it straight outside to prove my point. Benn doing this for awhile have yet to have a clone...
  2. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    Want to thank all who are here. Also those to come. Actually that is not alot of ingredients. If you look what is in Edna's I bet you find a bunch of the same. Also I'm sure most of the growers I know use some sort of regimen as mine or more or less. The end results are smooth tasting and...
  3. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow

    This thread may or may not be updated but I will try. I have a son who is terminal so alot going on right now. We will start off with my soil mix that is tried and true to me. 1.5 CU Ft of Kellogg's patio plus 1 cup of feather meal brand Down to Earth 12.0.0 1 cup of bio fish meal brand Down to...
  4. dirrtyd


    How can I get a clone. Looking great Nuggs hows the shoulder doing fine I hope. Some of you could learn a lot from this grow. Going to start in ground on the 12th with mine. I may start a thread if there is interest. keepem green dirrtyd
  5. dirrtyd

    first CA outdoor grow

    Go with the Veg until at least middle July then when you start seeing pistils. Start the bloom regimen. keepem green
  6. dirrtyd

    Just Started Growing *Need Feedback*

    why so many threads your little plants will be fine water doesn't eat plants.
  7. dirrtyd

    ocean plus earth

    It should do the job from the ingredients it lists. Give it a try and let us know . keepem green
  8. dirrtyd

    How to kill off all ants and pest???

    Buy some diatomaecous earth it will kill the ants for you. keepem green dirrtyd
  9. dirrtyd

    Topsy Turvy grow off - everyone thats gonna grow in one should post here lol

    Harborside has those for sure. I would put them out during the waxing moon next month. good luck
  10. dirrtyd

    What Do you think about KELLOGG PREMIUM POTTING SOIL?

    Kellogs will do you good with the right amendments. Its always had organic on the patio plus bag. Go back and check out my mixes and grow for the last three years here. Keepem green dirrtyd
  11. dirrtyd

    Club Vending

    get at me for that price 16 dirrtyd
  12. dirrtyd

    Does my organic mix look okay?

    I would ditch the blood and bone also the vermiculite and go with fishbone meal and fishmeal also I would add some azomite,dolomite lime and rock phosphate at about a cup per cubic foot of soil.Just my 2 cents
  13. dirrtyd

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Okay it is empty now for sure get at me had a terrible ending tolast week all good now. dirrtyd
  14. dirrtyd

    fuck trimming!

    Go to the hydro shop in front of the gold course they have the dry ice bags. tell them I said give you a deal. dirrtyd
  15. dirrtyd

    Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)

    Nice work Woot we got to hook up on some clones one day. Does it stank I need a fruity type with punch. dirrtyd
  16. dirrtyd

    KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow

    Okay Kush let me know I got some nice funky Bay Grown to trade. Smelling better and better by the week. dirrtyd
  17. dirrtyd

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    I like the smoke coming out these zig zags clean and white. dirrtyd
  18. dirrtyd

    fuck trimming!

    Some of you guys need to stop lying about what goes on here in Cali.
  19. dirrtyd

    NorCal outdoor 2012 coastal style , white Russian, kush, skunk,hash, blue cheese+more

    yeah please clean it out me I'm going to do dry ice today. keepem green dirrtyd