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  1. dusty26

    Single cola

    just let them grow... if someone wants more than one that''s when you have to fim
  2. dusty26

    seed advice

    locked up ? hmmm locked up for growing ? if so I dont know what the situation is but becarefull you could be under watch
  3. dusty26

    This is the line-up before harvest,,,,

    how much do you think it'll be dry ?
  4. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    the paper towel I will definately notice first because i can see the seed directly where as the other 15 are in soil... i've got a great environment (high humidity and moist...) i'll see the taproot with the paper towel method but after I get a taproot i'll have to plant them in cups after that...
  5. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    well yes and no... hmm.... you going to try it ?
  6. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    right now i've got about 30 jack herrer germinating... i'm doing an experiment... my bedroom is completely blacked out I've got a little portable heater inside the flowering cab (no lights) and I put 15 seeds in styrofoam cups with baggies over top i've got it about 82 degrees in there with 80+...
  7. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    cannabolic.... Nice.... how'd ya come up with that name... that's ripe..
  8. dusty26

    My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy

    lol i'm tryin bud... you and me both lol...
  9. dusty26

    My plan for my grow (suggestions welcome!)

    well honestly lol 400 watt mh ... for a 4x4 ... but you could get buy with 250... skimping a little... but if your going to skimp... make it during veg lol
  10. dusty26

    wow! 20 days int veg....some input please!!first cfl grow.

    lol you've got some big hopes for only using cfl's lol... i'm saying an ounce and a half total as well not per plant buddy lol... and you may get a top cola the size of a 50 cent piece lol :)
  11. dusty26

    My plan for my grow (suggestions welcome!)

    well bud i'm actually setting up a perpetual harvest as we speak,, ( my cab is going to be a perpetual harvest) I find it alot easier to control your climate (temps, exaust, yada yada with a cab...
  12. dusty26

    Wattage threshold?

    I was growing before in a 12x12x8 room with 6 1000 watt hps lol ..... power went up yes, but I also have a 4 bedroom house with a large garage and workshop so nobody thought nothing of it... plus i have a woodshop and metal fab shop setup in my workshop...
  13. dusty26

    Wattage threshold?

    bro you could use 1000 watts and have enough for 12 plants lol... especially a good sog yielding strain....
  14. dusty26

    This is the line-up before harvest,,,,

    oh... was it just some bag seed ?
  15. dusty26

    My plan for my grow (suggestions welcome!)

    wow... first of all for your flowering chamber, i'd go with a 600 watt hps, 4x4 that's 16 square foot... also why so many cfls for your veg room ? that's gonna be a dissaster honestly , i'd go with a 250 mh .... as far as your exaust... 170 cfms ? overkill ? naw not at all, you'll notice very...
  16. dusty26

    Wattage threshold?

    yeppers... 4,000 and up.....
  17. dusty26

    Monster Bloom or Big Bud ????

    personally I've had better results with big bud...