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  1. lonleysmoka

    I'm skied, and I've got an idea......

    I think you have to consider how much light an outdoor plant receives over a day of sunlight that penetrates flowering buds. When plants are switched over from veg to flowering its put on a 12/12 so the plant immediately stops vegging and puts all its energy into flowering. I was reading a...
  2. lonleysmoka

    lst uneven canopy +rep 4 input

    I just saw this post check it out looked good
  3. lonleysmoka

    Good deal on HPS light?

    Dont mean to bang on HTG I am sure they are great or I would of never got that same set-up. I ordered it last friday and still have not received it :-( I will let you know what I think about it when I get it hopefully tomorrow and maybe even have some new pics up. You should check it out...
  4. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    That is nuts that you got 5 seeds out of that pollination. I wanna see some kind of thread on those seeds!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  5. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star...

    I will be here every step of the way if you keep up with posts. I saw on like the 3rd pic of the lastest batch I saw that the stem was maybe a reddish or maybe even purple? The reason I ask is because a couple of my clones are starting to have that trait...?
  6. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Hey there steadmanclan I was wondering why did you send it your flowering plant back to veg for, took clones off of it maybe??? Oh and before I forget damn HTG supply still has not delivered my light setup!!! I ordered it last Friday and now am hoping that it will show up at my door 2morrow...
  7. lonleysmoka

    Day 40 flowering cfl's

    Yea I feel you there! I really like NL so let everyone know how this smokes!
  8. lonleysmoka

    Help a girl out with her first grow, Please help getting desperate :( That is a real good thread that I visit often. I would give you more help but I a first time grower. Hope you find the cure. I would agree with cowell lower the pH lvl. Seems most people are safe with a...
  9. lonleysmoka


    I am a lil down about HTG shipping I orders last Friday morning and am just hoping it comes in today! Today would be the 6th day. :-(
  10. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Thanks for that bit of info about the fans Ill make sure to have atleast one maybe even two. Let me know if you do open a thread for those black domina seeds. I didnt really like the strain myself but could tell that it was always a lil premature so I wanna know what the real deal looks like...
  11. lonleysmoka

    Bottled water or Adjust PH yourself

    I had a similar post but didnt get any feed back. Let me get this straight if I let plain ol tap water sit out for 24 hours the pH lvl will lower??
  12. lonleysmoka


    I would also say HTG is a great spot for the grower on a budget. I am getting a 400w set-up for about 200 bucks! Keep your fingers crossed that it comes in today! Good luck with the grow. Oh and dont kill yourself.
  13. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Thanks a lot Steadmanclan. Just go to your thread copy the url and paste it in a reply. I would love to watch and chat about that grow of yours!
  14. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    I am all about doing my hw! If I can figure out things for my self while growing that would be tight. Just seems like there is so much that I have not encountered yet like pests or mold. Guess I will just keep reading and keep talking to you and people like you that have a lot more...
  15. lonleysmoka

    is this a sign of over feeding?

    Oh yea you should feed it a little less. What kinda feeding schedule was it on? You say fed it a lil extra how much extra was that. I took haven't picked up a soil meter they are pretty inexpensive though.
  16. lonleysmoka

    NUTES ! So many choices

    If using tap water and you do let it sit for a few days does the pH change at all??
  17. lonleysmoka

    Sensi Star growing

    Just added a month old Mendo purps plant. :hump:She is bushy as hell for this stage of life. I am just going to veg her till the sensi stars get going since I have now put them on a good feeding schedule thanks to Tom and Cheech. I hear Mendo Purps likes a lot of nutes...
  18. lonleysmoka

    Self Diagnose Your Plants

    Wow I am speechless after reading this!!! Thanks a ton! If I knew how to give rep points I would give you a shit load of them:mrgreen:
  19. lonleysmoka

    best way to quick dry for sampling

    Lol this is a good way that I think only a stoner would think of. Good looking out though.
  20. lonleysmoka

    pictures of my new garden, throw me some feedback

    No you should be fine. Just don't go add more nutes to your medium. lil fyi I am a first time grower myself have very few answers for you but if I can help let me know and Ill give you as much as I fell confident in telling you. Well about the soil....most soils have a very small amount of...