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  1. B

    Need Advice,On Seedlings Planted...

    I keep hearing all this CFL talk, do you prefer these over traditional say an old school 400 (save for vegg), and a 1000(for your flowering).. they are going well right now...I actually moved them under my 400, but they are off to the side a good little bit...I'm wondering if it will be ok if I...
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    Need Advice,On Seedlings Planted...

    Well shit...ill be shocked,walked in there to take a peak and chk things out,and low and behold,out of those 8 cups I have going 6 or 7 of them actually got GREEN GROWTH ,that poped up over night- is this normal for that fast of a spurt,I was wondering if I wasn't doing things correct. But heck...
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    Need Advice,On Seedlings Planted...

    Well I actually gave each little red cup, 2 tableSPN, of H2O, DIDN'T wanna over do it...what I have in the cups are "chrystal" "snow white" "sterling haze" and "jock horror". Again these are me strains and seedlings...have had sucess growing "purple butters" "grapefruit haze"...
  4. B

    My new house grow room!

    Congrats and GL
  5. B

    Need Advice,On Seedlings Planted...

    So would my 50watt aquarium, light that I have used during cloneing stages not be sufficent?, Long with wondering if I should actual just spray/mist the top of the soil or actually pour a tad bit of water on them? Thks again..
  6. B

    Need Advice,On Seedlings Planted...

    My question is what lighting would u recommend?, as well as wondering if spraying the top of the soil with H20, was ok...there in little red solo cups...with just soil(along with some very minor nutes,if any), I have them cover with sar-ran wrap, to keep warm moist..there in a room that stays...
  7. B

    Comparison of grow methods for small room what size/type of light would you use prior to them becoming a inch, just use the 250, but keep far away?.... Does anyone know how long untill a post will appear,from the time u typed it out? I still do.t see it.?? Again thks for the info...
  8. B

    Comparison of grow methods for small room

    If no cfls, and or T8s...would a 400, work? Or would this be to much? I also have a flor.25watt,along with a plain white light. I've heard not to much light but I also wanna make sure I have enough light going as well...again I hate to hiJack,just looking fire all I can get on this...
  9. B

    Comparison of grow methods for small room

    What would u recommend for freshly sprouted seeds light wise...started a thread but haven't seen it pop up yet, def don't wanna "hi-jack", this persons post...just was wondering,thks
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    Comparison of grow methods for small room

    As well I'm newbie boat also,would like to here all I could on this,as I have a 4x4 (8ft) ceiling room that I have going with a 400, then a little bigger room to flower them in, I'm just useing soil/dirt, don't think id be ready for the hydro quite just yet..GL
  11. B

    First timer here,a few ???... thks in advance...

    Have grown a few crops and have had decent/good results. (At least for me).. they have always been clones, or already 4-6inches in height know I've gotten a few seeds, and was wondering if what I have did so far is correct..already germ. Them and they all sprouted, so my 2 main...