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  1. M

    Take a look at my cloning set-up

    ... I just slice at an angle.... and have had success with just putting the cuttings straight into coco*& perlite pots without any domes, misting or cloning hormone whatsoever....... strange......... ;) (just left em on ma table)
  2. M

    HELP cfl 9 weeks flower hermi PICS

    .... if you leave bud budding too long...... doesn't it start stressing and quickly making *last ditch effort* seeds............???????? coz yor bud looks kinda *over ripe!................
  3. M

    Is this flowering?

    ....nope not floweringggggggg.............. patience................ ;)
  4. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    ....made a discovery.... thrips like it dry!...... no wonder they have been loving it...... time to bring in the wet season........... ;)
  5. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    ....cheers Slanty... Im on it........! :)
  6. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    My new babies! ....this one is *Banana Joint* ....this one is my beloved *Jack Herer*....... ...this little ones are regular seeds..... from Great White Shark or Early Widow (I am not sure)....but I will be able to tell which when they are bigger!......
  7. M

    First Grow Journal - Jack Herer x 6 baby just turned 13 months.......& he LUVZ to peek in my tent and stroke the ganja leaves......... ;)
  8. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    Yep! that is what I am experiencing......... thank GOD for my CFLS ....... becoz without them I'd be fucko'd....... LOL.......... phew..... it is a scorcher today...... step outside an its feels like someone put you in the oven and wrapped a blanket round yor head! XxMissPhoebexX
  9. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    .....tru dat ***CaliMackdaddy***..... more fans more AC..... !!! ......... learning learning learning......... ;)
  10. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    .....yeah ufortunately mine were half way thru flowering when the heatwave hit!!!!!!!...... and they literally started to turn crispyyyyyyy....... and there was nothing I could do....... hardly any humidity at all - and just HOT HOT HOTTTTTTTT :(
  11. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    Yep they are in the cupboard at the mo.... rather than in the grow tent..... if I put them in the tent and then turn on my lovely intake fan..... it pulls in boiling hot air from outside! Aaaaaaa Whatta Nightmare! Next summer I'll make sure me an my plants can take a vacation somewhere...
  12. M

    First Grow Journal - Jack Herer x 6

    .... I had a monster pot... and got the biggest buds I've seen so far! It was a 24 L pot compared to my normal 18 L pots! It was FUN!....... GoMrPeoples!
  13. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    XXXthanxxxWaxxyNuggetsXXX Im gonna keep the 600w light switched OFF for the next few weeks and only run my CFLS until the september breeze comes and cools shit down!!!!!!!!!!! phew it is roasting right now!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. M

    * * * Mission Number 4 * * *

    In my hot little cupboard... I have the plants that will become my Grow Number 4 1 X LEMON SKUNK 1X JACK HERER 1X BANANA JOINT 7X GREATWHITESHARK or possibly EARLY WIDOW (regular seeds - so will have to wait to see - how many females I get) My last Mission was a very heated Mission - the...
  15. M

    My Mission Possible III - First time Using COCO!

    Okay so everything went rather wrong It got way way way too hot and only 3 out of 7 plants made it to the end in good shape 1 plant turned into a crisp and passaway ......... and 3 others were half crisp ........the El Nino and ..........the White Widow and the small.......... Blue Elite Indica...
  16. M

    nearly ready how much longer?

    ......... another week or two..........
  17. M

    I was gonna make a thread on all the good stuf Obama has done

    .... has nobody noticed.... that * absolute power corrupts absolutely*.... and the whole system doesn't work.... ? I think only Kids should be president - because obviously they are more creative - nicer - and haven't had the time to become brainwashed *asshole *yes men........ Vote Kids!
  18. M

    My first attempt with aerogarden

    looksa bit wierd........ av u bin plucking da leaves off?..........
  19. M

    The mellow out thread

    ......hoping an praying that when my Boyfriend gets outta jail......... everything turns out okay.......... I just want to live happily ever after....... :)
  20. M

    My first indoor grow with CFL's

    very very nice!