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  1. nanookofeclectic

    Any ricers out there?

    I'd love to see some pics. :) I needed something that got better mpg than my Z did, but wasn't a total bummer to drive. A 200hp Civic seems like a good middle ground to me.
  2. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    I've had enough bullshit for the evening. Good night, and to all, good luck. My king has rested.
  3. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    So you do have a fat, swolen, boulbous, pink, prolapsed rectum??
  4. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    Seems to me like the only thing you can afford is a cheap shot at some one, but hey, looking like an ass hole on a public forum is free.
  5. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    I grow with shop lights because I like the plants to take longer to reach maturity. With the T12's it takes about 7 weeks to reach maturity. It gives me more time to mold them into what I want them to be. It has nothing to do with finacial security. After all, I gets my check from the gummit...
  6. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    Check and mate. I Look forward to the next match. Dick.
  7. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    Hey brother. I got a no hate, simple question for you. Why is it that the only person you are responding to the one you consider handicapped? You can't come up with anyhting to rebuttal the normal, functioning members of society?
  8. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    I will formally inform you that I am not handicapped, and I take extreme offense to that term. The gov't classifies me as special needs, thank you. You seem to forget that I am up to date on mental anamolies. I am far more advanced than you could ever dream of being. I can do mathmatical...
  9. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    Who, exactly, was the mod that changed that? The person who qupted it had 269 posts......
  10. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    In case you didn't realize it, there are verying degeees of autism. They range all the way from mild cases of asberger's all the way to examples of what you posted... some times even worse. I can't use my hands, and I can't talk very well, but my mind is better than most people's. I use MJ to...
  11. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    No, Slim Jim. You are not a phagot. A bundle of twigs would have far more decensy than you. And trying to delete your post before I called it will not save you. It was trapped in internet limbo by some one else's quote.
  12. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    How would you feel if I said I had to type with a microphone? Yeah. I have to talk into my computer to get it into text, since I have no use of my hands. I hope you feel really fucking good about yourself. This was al fun and games until now. It was all in a light hearted spirit. You upped the...
  13. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    For the most part. I have to look around, though. Like I looked at dick-wad's prior posts on the forum and could tell after the second one I read he is an ass, just form the inflection in what he said. The reason I chose to major in psychology was to better learn how to use my gift, and to learn...
  14. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    I would love to, man. I really would. But due to my gift, or as some would call a "handicap" I can pretty reliably predict what someone is going to say... based upon prior actions or speech patterns. Tha tis why I replied o him the way I did, the first time.
  15. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    I grow with 4ft shop lights, because me beinbg retarded and all, I can't work o rmake money to afford them fancy lights and what not.
  16. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    You just said I was mentally handicapped, man. And talking down to me is not hte way to effectively deliver your point. The more you talk, the more you sound like a self centered ass hole. You just keep proving my first post.... post and post again. I am beginning to think that you are the one...
  17. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    You really think tha twith two degrees I haven't passed simple, basic, 101 English classes? Might I reiterate that you grammar is far from pefect? /sic/"Actually i do know you i know just about all you except this new guy thinking open personal attacks are ok isn't that what fab got banned for...
  18. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    As far as the unenlightened post, check my post history. This is the first thread that wasn't either seriously MJ related or posted in a more relaxed part of the forum. You just keep proving how ignorant you are my friend. Keep on keepin' on. I can do this all day.
  19. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    Mentally Hanidcapped? DOWN?!?! This was all fun and games until now my friend. Friendly banter. How does it feel to be a pawn in a HANDICAPPED PERSONS ENTERTAINMENT? You are more of an ass than you came across as in the beginning. You should be ashamed of yourself, my friend. It is clear that...
  20. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    I just realized you must have a master's in English.