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  1. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    Those are a good bit cheaper. =) As far as setting up the light, would I just hang it in the middle of the room and have the plants taking up the entire floor space? Or would they need to be directly under it?
  2. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    That was the cheapest one I have found thus far. I found that one on ebay. The ones on amazon were more. I couldn't find any on craigslist. :/
  3. nanookofeclectic

    12/5.5/1/5.5 light cycle

    Booo on thread death. =/ Hey, you could check out the thread on my sig and add your input? You seem like you know your junk. LOl.
  4. nanookofeclectic

    12/5.5/1/5.5 light cycle

    What was your total yeild on that grow man?
  5. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    Sorry I couldn't get some pics up. :( I've had to work and my P.I.C. is at beerfest and won't be home until like 2am. I promise I'll get some up soon though. And on the subject of lighting, I found a 1000w hps/mh with ballast, hood, and timer. The whole complete set for $270. Would that be...
  6. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    I hear yah man. This isn't my first grow. It's just my first one that isn't in a closet. LOL. I'll hopefully get some mor epics up tonight.
  7. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    Perpetual would be sweet. We hope to do that eventually. Ol' dude just txted me and told me one of the babies broke ground. It was the one we planted from the paper towel germination.
  8. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    GOOD GOD ALIGHTY ALPHA!!! That is one sweet setup. That is what I want mine to look like by this time next year. All of the plants will be kept as short and fat as possible, also. We were hoping for a max height of around 3 feet.
  9. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    I'll deff look into it man! I was talking to my partner ( partner in crime that is) about lighting, and he came up with about a $400 budget on lighting. I was looking around and we could get 2 400w HPS for that price. Would that work sufficiently?
  10. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    All of the seeds we were germinating in the paper towel hace popped open, and one was ready to plant. That brings the total up to five now. Hopefully we'll have 10 by the time it's over with. :)
  11. nanookofeclectic


    I've found a couple places. This one has Tasmanians. :D
  12. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    I was thinking one 600w HPS, but I don't know how many plants that can support. We want to be able to flower 6 girls in there at a time, if that helps.
  13. nanookofeclectic

    Welcome New Members!

    Starting a new grow. Covering from the construction of the room all the way to harvest! Come check it out! Us nubes can learn from my mistakes. LOL.
  14. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    right now the budget is as low as we can get a way with and still grow some fire buds. We're going more for quality than quantity. We just want to grow some dank for personal usage and maybe a bit to pass on to good friends. I was thinking for the first run or two, we could get away with 3 of...
  15. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    bumpetty bump bump bump.... man.
  16. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    Snapped one after construction was finished, and one after we planted a few seeds. The cups you see under the light were 5 seeds planted stright into the dirt. Just some pretty good bag seed. The are trying to germinate 6 more seeds with the paper towel method. To be planter later.
  17. nanookofeclectic

    Starting a new grow room!!

    So far we have a wooden frame. 6'x6'x5'. The whole thing will be lined with Panda film. Top, bottom, and all sides. This is a low budget room, so for lighting I waas thinking 4 4ft floro shop lights. after about a month of vedge we were planning to add a ventilation system. Up until that time we...
  18. nanookofeclectic

    Ultra Stealth Shoebox Grow!

    And whipped cream. The calcium from the dairy will help her grow big and strong. Don't get that cool whip shit though. It'll kill her. ;)
  19. nanookofeclectic

    Actual Contest Thread...

    Looks good dude! What is water curing? P.S.- I've started construction of my new off site grow room. It will be 6'x6'x6'. Hopefully I can be in the next comp!
  20. nanookofeclectic

    Any ricers out there?

    That fell into the big block trucks. LOL.