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  1. Superman44108

    should they be taller

    all depends brO. a fucked up light pattern can fuck up your plants. not beyond repair but it will confuse them which may cause herms. best of luck and as always, stay smokey :weed:
  2. Superman44108

    Am i seeing my first flower ever!!??

    looks like female sex organs to me bro. congrats. enjoy it and as always, stay smokey:leaf:
  3. Superman44108

    Did the Government Win?

    as long as one person in the US is growing, selling, buying, or smoking pot, then we are not defeated. so as i say in almost all of my posts, stay smokey my friends :leaf:
  4. Superman44108

    Harvest of 1st Grow

    not bad bro. could've gotten some better tasting bud if you had waited a week or two longer (@rocknratm) but very nice regardless and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
  5. Superman44108

    Question about when to start using nutes

    i use water straight out the tap too. not sure wat the ppm is but i let it sit out for a day or two before i give it to my kids
  6. Superman44108

    Got some feminized seeds ... but

    damn bro. sorry bout your luck. maybe you'll have better luck next time. happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
  7. Superman44108

    done yet?

    check the trichs. when about 1/4 of em are turning amber then its time to harvest. great job and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
  8. Superman44108

    1st grow how am i going? please comment

    you can flower them whenever you want but if they are too young to show sex signs it'll take em a while longer to flower and will stress them some. and yes you can flower outdoor plants inside but let them veg for a week or two indoors so they can get used to the different environment before...
  9. Superman44108

    1st grow how am i going? please comment

    the one in pic 3 looks stretched. might just be the angle of the shot tho. other than that it looks great. happy growing. best of luck and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
  10. Superman44108

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    WAT THE FUCK?!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!? not cool bro!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY not cool!!!!!!!!! that makes me sad :'( they were lookin so good!!!!!
  11. Superman44108

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    well thats always delightful lol hope she makes it out of ICU posted this before i saw the last page :( damn that sucks bro
  12. Superman44108

    Showing sex then revegging for clones question, first grow pc + cab

    if you take cuttings off a female then the clones will be female lol. best of luck and as always, stay smokey :leaf:
  13. Superman44108

    Purple Maroc Indoor at Flower Day 32

    absolutely gorgeous. damn i can hardly wait to harvest mine. theyre still babies tho :/
  14. Superman44108

    Organic Vanilla Kush

    damn i can almost taste em from here. looks good bro. hope mine bud like that
  15. Superman44108

    Watering with beer??

    i just might do that with one of my plants. ill let ya'll know how it goes. (lost my phone and aint got a camera so pics will have to wait)
  16. Superman44108

    Looking for facts on feminized seeds, hermies and regular seeds.

    not really sure lol im gonna sub this to find out
  17. Superman44108

    Would You Watch This Movie?

    fuckin stoner lol
  18. Superman44108

    3 Word Story

    on my face
  19. Superman44108

    First grow. Curious if they're doing good.

    might wanna chech the ph, testers are fairly inexpensive. sorry bout the death of one of your children :/ always sad when that happens. did something hit it or did it fall on its own??
  20. Superman44108

    Heavy Salt Build up on rez tank

    swap it out with a temporary res and clean the shit out of it than swap em back. i dont know much about hydro but that would make sense to me. sounds safer for the plants than puttin chemicals in it to clean it. happy growing, best of luck, and as always, stay smokey :leaf: