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  1. bamfrivet

    HELP! im moving and dont know what to do!

    personally I would just finish up what plants I have going and start again when im all moved in and set up. Growing is risky enough, but getting caught driving actual plants around, and that many plants, isn't going to be a fun mess to get out of. You could move em with no problems and get them...
  2. bamfrivet

    Humidity Problems, tried everything...I think

    I wouldn't really worry about the humidity during veg unless you were cloning, but then you would have a cloning area with a humidity dome on for that. Flowering is where you have to worry about humidity. Usually it's keeping the humidity down during flowering that's a problem, you'll be...
  3. bamfrivet

    Is there an Additive I can run through the whole Flower Period?

    adding some molasses can help give a little boost. Mainly because it feeds the soil, in return making food more readily available to your plant. black strap molasses also has some trace elements in it that you might be a little low on. Molasses always helps my girls out.
  4. bamfrivet

    First Time Manicure...

    if you are strapped for cash you can use nylons, an empty coffee can and some dry ice to make some dry ice hash. You could make a tincture, you could make oil, you could make candies, you can do all sorts of things with it
  5. bamfrivet

    I hope this is nute burn...

    because that's easier to fix than a deficiency or ph problem. Just back off the nutes and only use one type of nute at a time. The miracle grow defeats the purpose of using fox farm. Unless you don't care about the microbial life in the soil. Btw, FF Big Bloom is a flowering nutrient, not a...
  6. bamfrivet

    Identification of strange thing growing on my fem.

    If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. You got yourself a hermie, those banana looking things are pollen sacks. Or sometimes called "nanners" or "bananas" because they look just like it. Try and think back and remember if you stressed...
  7. bamfrivet

    seed suggestions for a newbie

    Bag seed. Only costs you the nug that you smoked. Bag seed can turn out to be some pretty impressive stuff. Usually it's better than the bag it came from. That's just my two cents for a first time grow.
  8. bamfrivet

    newbie cfl grow

    What kinda soil are you using? It might have had nutrients in it already in which case you wont need to feed anything yet. If your soil had nutrients then it probably has enough food for a month or two. You don't need any fancy expensive nutrients to grow pot. Miracle Grow will work, generic...
  9. bamfrivet

    Opinion's On Why My Plant Is Doing This?

    The brown crispy tips on your leafs are nute burn. Back off your nutes a little and you should be fine.
  10. bamfrivet

    I seem unable to clone

    How big are the cuttings? How healthy are the mothers? Whats the waters PH your using? What medium are you using to clone with? Are you using a humidity dome? What are your temps? Lots of information you left out about how your trying to clone. The more details you give the better chance you...
  11. bamfrivet

    is this normal?

    the direction that you put the seed in doesn't matter. You can put it in root facing up or down. The root will follow gravity and grow downward and the top of the plant will grow up towards the light. That's just how it works. In nature the plant doesn't drop it's seeds so that where the root...
  12. bamfrivet

    is this normal?

    It's because you aren't putting the seeds far enough down in the dirt. I would just give it a day or two and if it doesn't stand up then I would add more soil around the base of it to hold it up. Should recover just fine.
  13. bamfrivet


    Low Stress Training. You can tie branches down, you can tie the main stem down, you can just tape branches to the side of your pot for a few days then let them up. Many many ways to do it, just anything that doesn't break/cut/harm the plant is LST.
  14. bamfrivet


    There actually was a guy a few years back that with the help of the post's he made and the pictures he posted straight from his smart phone, police were able to get a search warrant and came and found him. They used the pictures he posted to find where he was living and taking the pictures at...
  15. bamfrivet

    Outdoor veg, indoor flower

    When you start a seed or clone off with 12/12 light instead of 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 your plants start to flower as soon as the plant is big enough for it to flower. No matter what you do, the plant will go through some veg time, but starting it off with 12/12 it'll cut the veg time down to a week or...
  16. bamfrivet

    QUESTION: What are the best/recommended organic soils for indoor growing?

    I have been using Dr. Earth this last grow and I am loving it. I haven't given fox farm a try but I plant on trying it out next grow around.
  17. bamfrivet

    Outdoor veg, indoor flower

    You can, but you might bring some bugs from outside back inside. Which if not taken care of quickly can turn into an infestation and a big problem. Just make sure you keep everything clean and act fast on any bugs you see.
  18. bamfrivet

    Beauty and the Beast: A question about bag seed potential

    generally you can take bag seed and grow it out to be better than the bag it came from. Mostly because the people that grew your original bag were probably growing in a warehouse or a house converted to different grow rooms. They throw in just enough nutes to get an okay result, no time to waste...
  19. bamfrivet

    I s flushing last 2 weeks a nessecity

    If you look around the forums you'll see many many different heated debates over flushing at the end. Pre-Harvest Flush Vs. No Flush is almost like a religious discussion. Both sides have very strong views. My best advice is if you have more than one plant, try flushing one and not flushing the...
  20. bamfrivet

    how do i go about transplanting?

    When I transplant I like to mush up the roots and soil when I put them into the new pot.