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  1. bamfrivet

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    Guides, not laws and rules of how the plant must be grown and treated in order to get the best smoke out of it. The flushing myth didn't really come about until nute companies figured out they can charge you to take out what you just put in your soil. Flush if you want, im just throwing out what...
  2. bamfrivet

    Possibly A Stupid Question.

    You can extract the DNA and examine it. I don't think any breeders do this. So you could get your plants DNA, but that wouldn't tell you the strain. There aren't records of different strains DNA as of yet as far as I know. I would love to see this happen so that people will stop paying so much...
  3. bamfrivet

    Mason jars on the cheap

    most grocery stores have Kerr mason jars. you can get a 9 pack for like $10
  4. bamfrivet

    If you PH Gatorade could you..

    Check out the label on your gatorade. Do any of those chemicals look like they would benefit your plant? Im surprised this question isn't asked more often to be honest.
  5. bamfrivet

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    the companies that sell you the chemical flushing agent.
  6. bamfrivet

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    If you feel that flushing is necessary then why not just water cure or after you cut your plant, put it in fresh clean water for 3 days or so. The plant's still alive after you cut it, it'll still uptake water through the stem, which will accomplish the same thing as the miracle flush. Water...
  7. bamfrivet

    Jorge Cervantes .. Why so much negative talk about a seemingly cool guy?

    He's still a popular guy in the growing field. It's just that he's not the only one that knows how to grow anymore lol. Lots of other people with different idea's out there now that the interwebs are around.
  8. bamfrivet

    Ron Paul Wins Iowa Debate

    With what's going on in the white house right now and the laws being voted on and passed and waiting to be signed in, the legalization of marijuana is low on the priority list imo.
  9. bamfrivet

    for all you pro's, if you were teaching?

    Might be a scam. They come to your house, set up your grow for you, walk you throw a little bit of growing, then they wait until you have a decent harvest and come back when your not home. They know the place, they helped you set up your grow. You gonna call the cops and tell them the guys you...
  10. bamfrivet

    Just found a 400 W HPS System for 90.00

    craigslist most likely I was wrong, lol.
  11. bamfrivet

    Can you flush after chopping down?

    OP are you asking about water curing? (removing the nug from the plant and putting it in water) or cutting the plant off at the ground and sticking it in a glass of water?
  12. bamfrivet

    Should I give up?

    How do you know that watering his plants once a week is to long to wait to water? Under CFL the soil dry's out a lot slower than under ML or HPS. Pick your plant up after you water it, feel the weight. Now wait for it to dry out (put your finger in the soil a couple of inches, if it's still wet...
  13. bamfrivet

    Should I give up?

    There is a big discussion in the newb section right now about hostility towards newbs. One of the big things I've noticed is people showing hostility towards noobs because they don't know what they are talking about but still give out advice. Moving the plant further away from CFL or Floro...
  14. bamfrivet

    Can you flush after chopping down?

    Yes some people do this. You can put food coloring in the water and make the stems change color and possibly some of the bud lol. I personally don't feel that flushing is needed, but if you are going to do it, then the after harvest flush is the best. Just cut the plant and stick it in water for...
  15. bamfrivet

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    hotties with big butt holes, oh my this thread just got interesting.
  16. bamfrivet

    live lady bugs dying WTF

    Lady bugs go into hibernation when they get to cold. Some of them might not be dead, but sleeping depending on your temps.
  17. bamfrivet

    cfl lumens

    Those 26000 lumen are only good for up to 2-3 inches away from the bulb. You should be able to grow 4 plants with an ok yield assuming you top and LST your plants. A Scrog might not be bad depending on your set up.
  18. bamfrivet

    Wonderful President Obama the Big Fat Liar

    Hopefully I'm wrong
  19. bamfrivet

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    Im not trying to ride your jock or anything, lol.
  20. bamfrivet

    Wonderful President Obama the Big Fat Liar

    *quivering lip and big puppy dog eyes* but... but... he... he killed osama.... he's the best president ever!