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  1. bamfrivet

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    Well, I wouldn't say that anyone trying to grow should be encouraged. Teenagers living in their parents house and trying to grow in their closet in secret shouldn't be encouraged. They should be informed that what they are doing is not only illegal but putting their parents or guardians in...
  2. bamfrivet

    Wonderful President Obama the Big Fat Liar

    Hope you don't all grow your own food, or your a terrorist and have will have all your rights stripped from you until someone decides that you aren't a threat to the country; but on the bright side if SOPA passes tomorrow we wont have the right share this information online or visit Rollitup...
  3. bamfrivet

    Why so much hostility to newbies?

    It's not angry hippies that are doing it. It's little gangster kids growing in their bed room of their parents house with a single successful grow under their belt and 2k post count that have only been here for 2 months that are being dicks to the newbs. I've seen a few people come and go from...
  4. bamfrivet

    Miracle Gro nutrients?

    I use MG Seed Starter Soil. It's great for seedlings. I've never had a problem with a seedling it in. I used MG soil for a while. It's great for growing MJ, you just have to watch how often you water since the nutrients are water soluble. The MG all purpose fertilizer is fine for fertilizing, as...
  5. bamfrivet

    Is this good, bad, or doesn't matter? Preflowers in veg

    No, some people just don't have the ability to clone out plants, or they just want to try out different pheno types. Every plant has it's own pheno type, it's nice to switch it up from time to time.
  6. bamfrivet

    ** new to organics **

    If your phone is a smart phone then I would think twice about using it to take pictures of your grow. Then again I am a paranoid person.
  7. bamfrivet


    Who ever told you to flush while using MG soil is an idiot lol. MG nutes are water soluble, so every time you give your plants water, you give your plants food. Flushing them will just give them a ton of food all at once and burn your plants up. Nothing wrong with using MG you just have to watch...
  8. bamfrivet

    Is this good, bad, or doesn't matter? Preflowers in veg

    It just means that they are mature and ready to go into flowering. You don't have to put them into flowering.
  9. bamfrivet

    Started growing need tips and help plz

    Cover those containers up with duct tape, or card board paper, black plastic, anything. When your roots grow out they'll grow to the sides of the container and they'll be exposed to the light. Roots don't like light. You wont need nutes for a while. What soil are you using? Are there holes in...
  10. bamfrivet

    Started growing need tips and help plz

    I have some plants under CFL right now, the ones closer to the 2700k bulb are twice as big as the ones near the 6500k bulbs. Spectrum does have it's role, but it's not as important as people think it is.
  11. bamfrivet

    Started growing need tips and help plz

    Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge on this forum. There is TONS of information out there if you look around. The stickies are a good place to start out reading. Don't expect to much out of your first grow, just focus on making it to harvest. Don't over think it, remember it's just a...
  12. bamfrivet

    Need help with opinions if moving on to flowing stage is the smart thing????

    When deciding to switch to flowering the age of the plant isn't as important as available space. Your plants gonna double or triple in size when it goes into flowering. So make sure you have enough room and flower at your leisure
  13. bamfrivet

    lots of new fan leaves last week of flowering?

    I 100% disagree with you. Curing and Drying is what makes it taste better and burn better. Not magically removing nutrients from the bud of your plant. No other farmer flushes their plant before harvest and they have been at it a lot longer than you or I. Plants are plants, marijuana doesn't...
  14. bamfrivet

    vegetative stage and flowering stage

    Before you switch to 12/12 there are a couple of things to consider. Pot size if your growing in soil, make sure your plants are in the pot they are going to be in for flowering; otherwise transplant it at least a week if not two weeks before you flip the lights. Space your growing in. Your...
  15. bamfrivet

    I love my dog

    Blowing smoke at your animal isn't abuse, the animal can move if it wants to. Dogs have memories and know if they don't like the smoke and will get out of the way. Not to mention like I said earlier, veterinarians will prescribe marijuana to animals for different conditions. Is giving my dog...
  16. bamfrivet

    I love my dog

    You can get a prescription for your pet for marijuana from a veterinarian. Most won't, because there is a higher chance they will get investigated and most vet's don't have their records in order.
  17. bamfrivet

    I love my dog

    That's like saying that letting a kid have a sip of beer is child abuse. Or that smoking is self abuse. You should be locked up just for smoking it you degenerate sub human. I hope your chemically castrated so you can't taint the gene pool any further than you already have.
  18. bamfrivet

    I love my dog

    my big boy loves to get high, but I hate when he gets high. all he wants to do is play, and he forgets to hold back when he's high, so he turns into a big asshole.
  19. bamfrivet

    The Airforce dumped a lot of soldiers bodies in a VA landfill.

    sorry, I assumed the wrong vet due to what my life is occupied by. I did serve in the marines, although it was the reserves.
  20. bamfrivet

    I love my dog

    Dogs are amazing. I own a mastiff and a pitt bull, as well as help run a dog rescue. The rescue is my wifes, but I help out with what I can. My avatar is my mastiff when I first brought him home at 8 weeks old. 2 1/2 years later his head his bigger than he was when we brought him home lol, now...