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  1. C

    GED test

    After being a jackass and dropping out of high school I am coming back years later to take my ged test tommorow. Anyone have their GED and not their high school diploma? How hard was the test?
  2. C

    outside scrog?

    I saw an awesome video of subcools. It was an outdoor cheese scrog in oregon and it was like 30 feet long and like six feet wide. Was only like four or so plants. Probably yielded close to ten lbs
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    Wisdom teeth

    Yeah I go to the orthodontist in a few days to get my braces fixed. Parents didn't have the money growing up so now I'm a 20 year old with braces. But better later rather than never. I know as soon as the orthodontist opens my mouth and sees the big ass wisdom tooth comin in he is gonna have it...
  4. C

    Wisdom teeth

    Are the worst. I'm in so much pain I can't sleep. I just keep on smoking. What's your experiences with these cock suckers?
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    Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

    All I got out of this thread is my girlfriend gives amazing head. Sorry dude. Be a good dad. Not many these days.
  6. C

    pitbull lovers

    American pitbull terriers and American Bullys are two different dogs. Apbt are medium sized dogs from 30-65 pounds. American bully's are 80-120 pound stocky and short Real pitbull American bully
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    pitbull lovers

    That pup is a bully looking dog and looks to be huge. Bear would be a cool name
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    pitbull lovers

    Let's see your sheep dog! My boy is obedient and would save my life no matter what.but he is dog aggressive and was around dogs everyday from 8 weeks old too 9 months. Some dogs are just dog aggressive no matter what I guess :/
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    pitbull lovers

    Matt rize that is one bitching dog sucks she is gone. Here's my pitty at 1 year
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    Favorite stand up comedians

    I don't see enough Richard Pryor!
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    Favorite stand up comedians

    You ever notice the people against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck - George carlin
  12. C

    Favorite stand up comedians

    Who do you guys like? I love me some Chris rock, I think he is the best alive at the moment. George Carlin is my personal favorite. Can't forget about Richard pyror, love smoking bowls and watching him.
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    Found a Baby Eagle

    Awesome! People like you give me hope.
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    Favorite movie to watch while your baked?

    Got casino on at the moment. One of the best.
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    A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School

    This is...... Fucked all I got to say. Peace
  16. C

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Here are three different Casey jones plants all 12/12 from seed in 1 gallon Most sativa Most indica biggest plant, mostly sativa hybrid
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Here is my Casey jones in 1 gallon bags
  18. C

    Iso hash doesn't look right

    Thanks all for the replies, so is this okay to smoke or does it look like it needs to sit longer? How do you guys smoke it? Throw it on top of some green?
  19. C

    Iso hash doesn't look right

    I made some iso hash yesterday an it turned out a very dark brown. I made it with 91% and shook it for 30 seconds, ran it through a coffee filter and let dry on glass dish. Now it is a black goo:/
  20. C

    your bird

    I'm so confused, what's the question :/