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  1. C

    Smoking tournement anyone?

    I think I could smoke more(lung wise) when I was 16 than 19...
  2. C

    Anyone else think?

    Nope was just bumping wu tang when i made this
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    Anyone else think?

    People who got bullied as kids come onto the Internet as adults and decide to be "better" than everyone else? Seriously if you gotta resort to being a badass on the Internet its time to grow up:wall:
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread
  5. C

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Here is one of my kc jones 12/12 from seed don't know how old it is but just got first white hairs, at about 15" will it grow anymore?
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    Lace and Frills <3

    Oh my! I don't got much too say, your beautiful;)
  7. C

    Need help with pics

    Is it too late too transplant?
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    Need help with pics

    I'm not worried about yield at all, this is just an experiment. Do you think those little budsites are gonna fill out too be good buds? I think I might be over thinking this as it is really early in flower still.
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    Need help with pics

    Hey guys I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I got some plants all in one gallon pots in roots organic being fed some organic nutes. They are 18 days flowering under a 600 watt. The problem is they are green but the leaves are droopy. But only for some of the which is driving me...
  10. C

    Does anyone have an American Terrier,aka Pitbull?

    Whatcha think that boy weighs in at? He looks like a damn good bulldog :)
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    Does anyone have an American Terrier,aka Pitbull?

    I see some people who said 80,90,100+ pounds. These are NOT American pitbull terriers. Pit-mix.
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    Does anyone have an American Terrier,aka Pitbull?

    Gorgeous dogs people. Sucks they got into a fight, but they were bred for it so you can't blame a pit for being dog aggressive.
  13. C

    Does anyone have an American Terrier,aka Pitbull?

    I think you might be watching after an American bully instead of an American pitbull terrier, due to the fact you say big dog. Real apbt are medium or smaller dogs. Nothin over 65 lbs, not like it matters they are still awesome pets, just wanted to clarify. I love my pitbull :)
  14. C

    so i set up this deal with my son ...

    I wish I had a cool dad growing up, let alone a dad.
  15. C

    Dog fights

    Ah I see so they were family dogs that kids were fucking with.
  16. C

    Dog fights

    So sad. Thanks for the story though, sounds like some "thugs" who only own pits to be cool. My pit is the sweetest thing ever. Would lick you to death, his best friend is the family poodle. Quite funny to see them play, cause people think he is a "killer" but he would die for that other dog.
  17. C

    i take a sheet...

    Haha it cracks me up, just saw it for the first time a few minutes ago. Woke up the family cause I swear he said I take a shit before I golf
  18. C

    Dog fights

    Scariest thing of my brother has a three year old boerboel(south African mastiff) and adopted one from a friend of the family cause he couldn't keep her anymore. The girl he adopted was five. Well we were out front playing with them and they got aggressive over a ball. Next thing you...