Search results

  1. BustinScales510

    1800w 4x8x4 Vertical Grow (Potentially 9 Pounds!!!)

    Im dying to see you do a grow log with this, I dont wanna sound mean by saying anything else.
  2. BustinScales510

    New Strain, Plants shot up too quick, no room left to grow - what to do?

    If you already have some other clones of it that will be ready soon I would just start over. I have height restrictions too and once theyve gotten too tall its totally a pain in the ass to deal with and sucks the fun out of the grow..for me anyways. The buds that are burning on top already could...
  3. BustinScales510

    Trichs not changing, HELP!

    Yeah wrap it up,those look done. Like the other guy said, some sativa strains dont really show much of a change in trich color.
  4. BustinScales510

    When you dry your buds, what's the weight-loss-percentage in the process?

    100%...Smoke it immediately before it completely evaporates
  5. BustinScales510

    PLEASE look and help

    Could possibly be over watering, sometimes the leaves fold and curl if the medium is soggy for extended periods of time. They will still bud and everything, but there isnt an immediate remedy to make them flatten out and look perfect again
  6. BustinScales510

    Working out Drainage in a SCRog Setup?

    You can put plastic saucers under the pots..thats how I have mine. I try not to over water,but sometimes if I do I have this cool vacuum pump with hose that fits over onto a 5 gallon bucket so I can suck out the excess
  7. BustinScales510

    First Grow Journal 12000 Watt Indoor Grow 120 Ken's Grand Daddy Purp Plants

    The temp differential isnt that big of a deal, just watch it towards the end when the buds are big and ripe because bud rot (botrytis) can strike when the temps are cool and humidity is high
  8. BustinScales510

    How can i grow 10-15lbs of bud

    It depends on skill level and strain. Square footage wise, a 1000 watt has a spread of about 4x4 feet, so how ever you're gonna configure it just space them accordingly (I have 2 rows and space them 4 ft apart measuring from the center of the hoods). I usually get a little over a pound per...
  9. BustinScales510

    New grow started....need some advice!

    I think youre right,it's probably burn. The manure makes the mix hot. Im not familiar with maxibloom,but if one tsp per gallon drops your ph to 4 its either very strong or your water is incredibly acidic to start with. You might wanna just try what you mentioned with using water for a few...
  10. BustinScales510

    Scott´s OG and Rugburn OG from Rare dankness any experiences?

    WOW..that looks killer. Great job on the Doc's I might snag some of those. I did the Karma Bitch and found an amazing keeper.
  11. BustinScales510

    A few questions for acid, molly abusers?

    His name isnt Tihkal,thats the name of a book (T.rytamines I. H.ave K.nown A.nd L.oved) the author is alexander shulgin. He is a chemist who lives in california that used to have govt clearance to work with all the chemicals needed to concoct an endless combination of lab grade psychedelics...
  12. BustinScales510

    CES(cutting edge solutions)

    I use the 3 part plus the Plant amp and Uncle Johns as well, I know theyre expensive but they definitely help pump up the buds. You could find other cheaper stuff though if you want, definitely find a calcium/magnesium supplement to use in place of plant amp/mag amped
  13. BustinScales510

    Micro Cloning - The most efficient and space-saving method of plant propagation

    It seems cool, but I havent seen it implemented to cannabis growing yet though..which makes me wonder if it may not be a little more troublesome than described.
  14. BustinScales510

    HOw much nuts with CO2 ???

    Are you spraying your nuts on the leaves too? Sometimes that helps
  15. BustinScales510

    Looking for Cherry pie seeds

    You dont need to bring them back and forth to acclimate them..if possible just start them in a partially shaded area (bright indirect light, or a spot that only gets a couple hours of direct sun each day), after a few days you can move them to a sunny spot where they will stay,(assuming you...
  16. BustinScales510

    applied for US air force while stoned

    Thats totally true about the piss cleaner, a friend of my went to an army recruitment office a few years ago (in the height of Iraq deployment) and he told them he would probably fail the urine test and the guy told him which brand of product to buy to pass it, and to come back the next day.
  17. BustinScales510

    Sour dee drom cutting edge

    I asked about it at the grow store I go to. The guy said its basically the same as other carb additives, but similar to botanicares flavored "sweet" line it has something in it that supposedly enhances the odor of lemony/fruity strains. I use cutting edge but I use bud candy,since it also has...
  18. BustinScales510


    Dude I wouldnt mess with anyone you dont know from the internet for an amount that large,theres a million things that can go wrong..even the best case scenario would just be you getting a schwaggy pound that someone couldnt sell at a club. Deals for pounds go bad on there all the time, a 19-20...
  19. BustinScales510

    bud trader sucks!!!

    I know buying clones on budtrader and craigslist sucks,Ive done it before too. But let me tell you..selling clones on there can be just as shitty. When you put an ad up youll get tons of responses..90% of them are from illiterate dumb asses and flakes who dont actually want clones,or people who...
  20. BustinScales510

    Yield Efficiency ?

    Ive grown with 600s and 1000s. With 600s it was a great run if I averaged 3/4 lb per light,and with 1000s a great run would be 1.5 lbs per light. Another thing to consider when gauging yield by gpw is quality. I bottom trim a lot of lower growth off mine. Having a bunch of fluff and popcorn...