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  1. BustinScales510

    When do YOU harvest?

    I dont use the magnifier much either,I can just tell when they're nearing the finish line. The leaves get kind of a leathery look,there are very few if any white pistils left,the buds are hard and on some strains the calyxes get kind of a sharp feel,the plants are using like half the amount of...
  2. BustinScales510

    Dark period before harvest

    Ive done it before,only a couple days though not 3. I get my stuff tested because there are a few labs around here that do it, and there wasnt really a difference..less than a percent. With that small of a number I just attributed it to difference between ripeness of buds. They were all from the...
  3. BustinScales510

    Anyone know of a place to buy 5x refined butane in the bay area?

    Good deal, thanks guys. There are plenty of those around here, Ill check it out.
  4. BustinScales510

    Anyone know of a place to buy 5x refined butane in the bay area?

    I know it's available on Amazon, but would rather go to a local business to acquire it if possible. Thanks in advance
  5. BustinScales510

    buying a grow house

    Even if your friend is trustworthy, I think in the end he wouldnt be happy with the situation after a harvest or two. Even though it would be free rent, he also is not going to like the things about growing that you mentioned. If you added some cash to it, the odds of that scenario working out...
  6. BustinScales510

    And Now 4 Something Completely Different

    Your tone seems really combative, I dont think you actually give a shit about the topic. It appears youre just looking for an argument so Im gonna check out of this one.
  7. BustinScales510

    And Now 4 Something Completely Different

    I think thats about it,marriage equality,and the end of gay specific discrimination. There were some pretty detailed lists of what that entails a couple pages back if that isnt specific enough.
  8. BustinScales510

    And Now 4 Something Completely Different

    Maybe it was your choice of words and inaccurate interpretation of what was said. Terrorists and kidnappers have a "list of demands". Citizens/people/taxpayers expect "equal rights". And what kind of attitude do you normally expect when you're acting snarky and dismissive towards...
  9. BustinScales510

    Obama Wins...

    No,all the republican talking heads are the ones responsible for the guns sales,telling people that Obama was gonna take their guns. Last I checked he hadnt done anything towards gun control but maybe Im wrong
  10. BustinScales510

    Romney supporters.... where art thou??

    Well,the uncounted votes in ohio are all urban Democratic leaning precincts. And yes all of ca,or,and wa havent been counted but the west coast is a Democratic battleaxe that isnt likely to give any republican electoral college votes
  11. BustinScales510

    Please help, Just Checked my plants and 2 of them are completely wilted over

    Looks like they were kept too wet maybe, when seedlings or clones are soggy for too long they rot and die.Its called damping off,might have been that. Rockwool retains water for a while,it didnt happen to the others because theyre larger and go through water faster. Maybe next time wait a little...
  12. BustinScales510

    Cutting Edge Solutions

    Ive been using cutting edge for about 5 years. I use grow micro bloom and plant amp. I used to use the uncle johns but I kept noticing mold floating on top (not just that weird sediment floating in it,but those nasty fuzzy grey mold circles on the surface. I use advanced nutrients big...
  13. BustinScales510

    Holy cow! Diablo og with 29.7% thc

    Depends on which number you go by. There is thc,thca,delta9 thc, and max theoretical thc. The lowest one that just says thc on the tests is the honest number to go by, as it was explained to me when Ive gotten stuff tested. Because when you smoke it,thats the amount that youre actually getting...
  14. BustinScales510

    how big of a room?

    Doing perpetual with only one light seems like a pain in the ass.If you wanna get the most out of it, it would be best to just grow a good canopy with evenly sized plants under one light,rather than a bunch of plants at varying stages of growth. If I read that right,you are saying you want 32...
  15. BustinScales510

    new to cloning.... thus.... stupid question #1

    The only real reason Ive found to trim fan leaves is to make more space if youre doing a lot. Cutting the fan leaves actually increases the risk for infection,not decrease. Youre putting an open wound into a warm humid environment.
  16. BustinScales510

    Glow Panel 45 vs. Sun Systems 150W

    hps is ok to veg with too. Chem dog tends to stretch. When you say you have 4ft I dont know if you mean from the bulb to the soil line.. or total,but dont wait till they get to 2 feet unless your going to be tying them over.
  17. BustinScales510

    Anyone growing Dream Queen Aka Green Crack or Cush?

    The only thing I didnt like about growing Green Crack was that at the end of 8 weeks, some of the top buds would get these little immature seed pod looking things. I dont remember banana herm sacs or anything, and I know I didnt have light leaks because I checked. Some of the calyxes would just...
  18. BustinScales510

    Anyone growing Dream Queen Aka Green Crack or Cush?

    Im in Oakland, GC has been around here for a while.I grew it for a couple years.It looked liked that..kinda thin sativa leaves but not really tall.. super branchy. Had a nice smell,kind of a tangy rotten fruit odor. There is a guy named GrowerMD on youtube that has a bunch of grow journals with it.
  19. BustinScales510

    how true are the estimated yields per square meter?

    You are not going to get a pound and a half off a 600 watt. More plants dont equal more yield,it's mainly the wattage that dictates how much you are going to get. Under a 600 watt, 1/2 to 3/4 pound is average. Whether it is one big plant that you have trained or a bunch of small ones,just try...
  20. BustinScales510

    Choosing a nutrient line for my first hydro op, what do the fine people of this site

    Most of the major brands will give respectable results,if you are a first time grower I would suggest using a line that plenty of other growers are using or are familiar with. That way you can follow the mix rates that others are using successfully and will be able to get any questions you have...